you really disgrace the surname yap. can you do something more meaningful. rather do this type of small action(Xiao Dong Zhuo)
the way you do all these video is it similiar to those PAPpies dogs taking video of OPPs doing house visit?
go do something more striking type. if you ask singaporeans to stand forward to vote OPPs then you should go for 1 OPPs party and do more things than following so many parties.
i see you at SDP and the followed by so many Opps party. may i ask you which party you from???
you organised this and that but i can see your planning sucks. your planning worst than an army platoon sgt.
you go and think this election you took so many videos talking so much things. i really hope you do some actions meaningful for the OPPs rather than NATO. then when OPPs win you claim this and that again.
like that i also know how to do.