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Netherlands police stop Quran-burning, arrest pro-freedom group leader for "insulting" Islam




The anti-Islam group Pegida announced it would burn a Koran near Rotterdam Central Station on Saturday, amid outcry from Muslim counter-protesters. However, the police arrested the group’s leader and confiscated the Koran before the demonstration was under completely underway, according to Rijnmond.

Edwin Wagensveld, Pegida’s foreman, could be heard insulting Islam and the prophet Muhammad during his arrest. He was arrested for “insulting the faith,” according to Rijnmond….

Pegida announced beforehand that it would burn a Koran on the Stationsplein, which Rotterdam’s deputy mayor Robert Simons said was not allowed….

It is unclear how many Pegida protesters were at the event. There were many counter-protesters, who set off a yellow smoke bomb, threw eggs, set off fireworks and chanted “Allahu Akbar,” according to Rijnmond. The counter-protesters cheered when the police announced they had taken the Koran and that it would not be burned.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


The anti-Islam group Pegida announced it would burn a Koran near Rotterdam Central Station on Saturday, amid outcry from Muslim counter-protesters. However, the police arrested the group’s leader and confiscated the Koran before the demonstration was under completely underway, according to Rijnmond.

Edwin Wagensveld, Pegida’s foreman, could be heard insulting Islam and the prophet Muhammad during his arrest. He was arrested for “insulting the faith,” according to Rijnmond….

Pegida announced beforehand that it would burn a Koran on the Stationsplein, which Rotterdam’s deputy mayor Robert Simons said was not allowed….

It is unclear how many Pegida protesters were at the event. There were many counter-protesters, who set off a yellow smoke bomb, threw eggs, set off fireworks and chanted “Allahu Akbar,” according to Rijnmond. The counter-protesters cheered when the police announced they had taken the Koran and that it would not be burned.

Only male moslems turned up to protest. Not a single woman in the video. Is the mohammedan a religion of gangsters or faggots?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Faggots are those priest in your pulpit.
They took you when you were little didn't they?

Faggots are often islamists. You were also one of their bacha bazi boys. And your parents were told to keep quiet or else be declared apostates and accused of blasphemy. We all know what moslem mobs will do at the scent of a blasphemy accusation. Time for you to get help for your mind and your anus.

Please ditch that pedophile of a 'prophet' that you follow. And change your name too. It's horrifying to know that you're named after a pedophile called mahomet.