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Netanyahu threatens to flatten malay regiment under UNiFIL in South Lebanon. Bring it on I say.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Really evil. Like James Bond movie villain kind of evil. Can't wait for the day he gets trialed by ICC and sentenced to a Siberian penal colony


Israel after suffering heavy casualties being ambushed by hezbollah in mountainous terrains, the alternative is to attack via the routes guarded by UN which are open and safer.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The IDF has been very good in managing the news. IDF casualty is hardly reported. Lots of IDF success. NO casualties. We can believe that IDF will crush any country it wants, including Russia and China.

The Jewish god is better than Allah or Christ.

syed putra

The IDF has been very good in managing the news. IDF casualty is hardly reported. Lots of IDF success. NO casualties. We can believe that IDF will crush any country it wants, including Russia and China.

The Jewish god is better than Allah or Christ.
Without backing from Neo cons Christian evangelist in the US and the British imperial government, there would be no Israel.