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Serious Neh Demonstrate Democracy to AMDKs and Taiwan Chinks!


Workers reportedly protest at Wistron iPhone plant in India over pay issues
Local reports showed windows smashed and cars overturned near the factory
Kim LyonsDec 13, 2020, 11:44am EST
Photo by MANJUNATH KIRAN/AFP via Getty Images
Workers at an iPhone production plant in India reportedly smashed windows and set fire to vehicles to protest reductions in pay, the Times of India reported. The incidents began Saturday at a facility run by Taiwan manufacturing company Wistron Corporation, where the iPhone SE is assembled.

According to the The Indian Express,during a shift change workers who said they had seen their pay reduced damaged the offices, some furniture, and factory equipment before things escalated outside. A local official told the Express that police were investigating the incident. About 2,000 workers were involved in the protest.

Apple began assembling iPhones in India in 2017, where it tops the premium smartphone market. However, it only has about a 1 percent share of the total smartphone market in the country, since the iPhone’s price tag puts it out of reach for many Indian consumers. India was the second-biggest smartphone market in the world in 2019, ahead of the US and second only to China.

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Wistron opened the plant near Bengaluru earlier this year, part of a multimillion dollar investment by the company in India.

Apple and Wistron did not immediately reply to requests for comment Sunday.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Modi's "make in India" vision will never come true in a century.

Indians need to be treated like slaves. That's why the country still worked well under colonial rule but absolutely went backwards after independence



Alfrescian (Inf)
Ah Nehs needs a TV playing Hollywood movies 24/7 in order to be productive.
Must also give them song-and-dance break now and then.

syed putra

Modi's "make in India" vision will never come true in a century.

Indians need to be treated like slaves. That's why the country still worked well under colonial rule but absolutely went backwards after independence

View attachment 98709
Indian colonised entire south east asia, including "singapura" which they named. The oldest relic of indian influence in south east asia are near present day sungai petani some of which are nearly 2000 years old s battered all over " bujang valley" and mostly discarded and left to rot due to Taliban thinking.
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Why BE name it India?

BE gunboats was sailing pass a land and the sailor climb down from the mast to the captain cabin to report to the captain he spot a land.

The captain was having sex with a whore struggling to get his prick inside the cunt in the choppy sea.

'Come on, get it in dear' says the whore, the captain getting frustrated raise his voice ' in dear, get it IN DEAR'...

The sailor was about to knock the door heard the captain say In dear... a few times...

There it goes.... The land was named InDear...