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Navy Pride, the notorious Fat Phoon is back without mask!


The reason why she should wear mask is to cover up her ugliness, not much for Covid.



Super Moderator
wearing sport shoes ready for a jog, holding a cup of beverage ready to drink, why can‘t she be mask-less? :laugh::laugh::laugh:


She will thrive in this forum.
KNN my uncle think if she is in sbf my uncle can bet with his lj that she and @ginfreely will not be communicating KNN becas you can see for yourself ginfreely has never given a single comments about siao lang in sg :rolleyes: either due to
1. They are scared to see ownself or
2. They see nothing wrong with that KNN


KNN my uncle think if she is in sbf my uncle can bet with his lj that she and @ginfreely will not be communicating KNN becas you can see for yourself ginfreely has never given a single comments about siao lang in sg :rolleyes: either due to
1. They are scared to see ownself or
2. They see nothing wrong with that KNN

Can your uncle tell if Fat Phoon is a virgin?