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@nanospeed SELF ADMITTED 广东十狗 now self admit he is married and tell lies say I said want to gangrape him as fatal attraction to insult me mistress


KNN, I received a real threat - that she will gangrape me in my next life. To which party should I apply for asylum ? Or is it better to commit her to an asylum instead?
Tsk tsk tsk you Malaysian Cantonese criminal dog son of prostitute smearing me one tell lies without shame I curse you get gangrape you can twist to I want to gangrape you. No morals no principle no kindness Cantonese criminal dog Pui!


My mentor made a very wise move when she decided to buy a freehold landed property in JB. It's the Malaysian dogs neighbors who messed it up.

I hope to emulate my mentor in the near future. She is very wise and always ahead of time.

The Malaysian dogs are low vibrating neighbors, and will never understand my mentor whose frequency is beyond them.

As the saying goes, 燕雀安知鴻鵠之志。
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Of course act kind in some defamation threads with Gansiokbin name is your latest clever Cantonese dog son of whore do evil strategy. What happened to your words 妖风 裕廊鸡 etc in other threads? Dare not use ?