And what right does he have to publicly name them? Who is he? The judge of the world?
I find his argument about the conduct of lawyers very very bias and way too personal.
In fact, if he deem LKY as sonmeone who is foreceful, that GN is more forceful The only difference is that he cant force his way around as he neither have the power or influence,
Just because some lawyers dont agree with him, that doesnt give him the right to name them out. and Since he is now all the way in USA, there is no way these lawyers could deny what GN is saying, even though they could just issue a statement, or make legal demand that GN retract his statement or challenge GN to his statement. So what can these lawyers do? They have no recourse and GN knows it.
Even if there is any recourse, which in this case could be only done so in a US Court, would any of those named go all the way to USA to have this done?
IS GN abusing this legal loophole? I leave it for the rest to judge.