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Chitchat My uncle's type of bigcockman thread


KNN why sinkie after entering mrt lift all stand 1 side after that the last person entering dare not enter the front center and cause other user not able to enter KNN is it they scare of touching others elbow and neh neh ? KNN


KNN why sinkie after entering mrt lift all stand 1 side after that the last person entering dare not enter the front center and cause other user not able to enter KNN is it they scare of touching others elbow and neh neh ? KNN


Me and Nephew think many Weirdos
seow ting tong seow lang.

Like why some dont press the lift button buts some pressed and pressed like teh neh neh.



KNN my uncle think there won't be a leesoning for this hence my uncle chop with his lanjiao as stake this is the primary leeson why pap is still in charge KNN if this is not the leeson then my uncle lanjiao will rot KNN very confidence stake KNN


KNN why sg and Mudland Indian like to wear jacket ? KNN is it becas they mostlee work in graveyard shift jobs colder ? KNN but then the younger ones also KNN or is it they want to imitate Michael Jackson? KNN


KNN why sinkie after entering mrt lift all stand 1 side after that the last person entering dare not enter the front center and cause other user not able to enter KNN is it they scare of touching others elbow and neh neh ? KNN

Knn all stand one side is dangerous, wrong weight distribution and like Jesus must knn die...



KNN why sg and Mudland Indian like to wear jacket ? KNN is it becas they mostlee work in graveyard shift jobs colder ? KNN but then the younger ones also KNN or is it they want to imitate Michael Jackson? KNN
Or is it they ride motosikal? KNN but then even in bud mrt they also wear KNN