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My Singapore


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
So, are supposed to say Without PAP, we will still be like what we see in the video? Do we need to worship @JohnTan?

Why worship me? It wasn't me who brought Singapore from Third World to First World in a single generation. It was done by PAP, Ah Gong and his Old Guard, with the assistance of grassroots leaders and trade union leaders from PA and NTUC.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why worship me? It wasn't me who brought Singapore from Third World to First World in a single generation. It was done by PAP, Ah Gong and his Old Guard, with the assistance of grassroots leaders and trade union leaders from PA and NTUC.
It was the Chink, not the PAP, who built Singapore. Unfortunately, PAPPY kept sucking up to CECA , in every world forum and caused Sinkapore to rank from 1st world to become 3rd world as a result. No wonder WP is gaining traction to stop the rotting Garment from killing our own people.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It was the Chink, not the PAP, who built Singapore. Unfortunately, PAPPY kept sucking up to CECA , in every world forum and caused Sinkapore to rank from 1st world to become 3rd world as a result. No wonder WP is gaining traction to stop the rotting Garment from killing our own people.

Most of the PAP Old Guard, including Ah Gong, were chink. So we can compromise. Here's a book about Singapore's transformation from Third World fishing village to First World metropolis by Ah Gong.
