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[My] - M'sia baby dies on bus en route to hospital 6 hours away


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

A woman in Sarawak, Malaysia attempted to bring her baby from a small town to the hospital for treatment, only for the infant to stop breathing en route to the destination some 395km away -- or six hours by bus.

A video of the mother cradling the baby after it had stopped breathing has been put up online.


syed putra

This kind of video is a big vote loser for ruling state gomen. The separatist, mostly chinese, will want sarawak out of malaysia and become independent, or merge with china or singapore.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This kind of video is a big vote loser for ruling state gomen. The separatist, mostly chinese, will want sarawak out of malaysia and become independent, or merge with china or singapore.

Why not? The muuds of peninsular jiuhu have never seen Sarawak or Sabah as part of their country. Sarawak and Sabah are nothing but foreign overseas colonies to be looted and plundered. Isn't the former chief minister of Sarawak a multibillionaire despite taking a very very low public salary?


Of course sinkies forgot the one where pap says home quarantine is safe, baby catches wuhan virus form maid and dies