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My friend stay jurong kechil. Is this area consider bukit timah rich people


Not really and depends...once after bukit timah plaza and along ngee ann poly its flanked by clementi Road, almost Upper bukit timah Road and toh tuck, dont think its D10


Nope, not the most atas. Have you seen those mansions and GCBs in Binjai Park and First to Sixth Avenues?
The only true big gcb I went to was at pierce Road. Owner was current lta director. When I reach, a small guardhouse was outside. A worker then check my identity and led me in. I have to walk about 200 metre, then I reach the basement carpark that can park around 30 cars. I didn't even get to look inside the house as all door was close. Let me give u an estimate from the outside of the house I saw at 1st level. It is equivalent to the current jurong point. U get the drift.