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Muslims denounce archbishop for criticizing Islam, say Islam forbids ‘hostility’ toward non-Muslims




Greek Muslims condemned Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens for attacking Islam on Saturday, stating that a more “constructive” rhetoric is needed for a peaceful environment, especially in contemporary days plagued by the pandemic.

“We condemn the statement of the Archbishop of Greece, Mr. Ieronimos,” said Western Thrace Turkish Minority Consultation Council (BTTADK).

In a statement shared on the council’s Twitter account, the council said: “We hope a more peaceful language to be used instead of anti-Islamic discourse in such difficult times of pandemic.”

Xanthi Turkish Union, on the other hand, said that Ieronymos’ remarks are not only an “Islamophobic attack” but also a “hate crime.”

“The fact that these statements, filled with insults, came from the number one name in the Greek church increases the gravity of the situation,” the union said in a statement shared on their website.

“We see this move as one of the typical examples of the rising Islamophobia and xenophobia in Greece in recent years,” the union continued, adding that Ieronymos needs to correct his words and apologize sincerely.

Similarly, the Western Thrace Imam-hatip Schools Graduates and Members Association (BIHLIMDER) referred to the archbishop’s words as an outcome of “ambition and jealousy.”

“We are leaving the examination of the psychological state of this person, who uses words that even the most ordinary people wouldn’t use, to the experts. We are condemning such a hostile attitude,” the association said, calling on Ieronimos to apologize to not only Muslims but also all of humanity for his hate crime.

The Association of Western Thrace Minority with High Education (BTAYTD), in their statement, highlighted that the archbishop’s remarks have no relation to any theological or historical facts.

“We would like to express that the fact that such a thought was mentioned by a man of critical and important position, especially a man of the clergy, created sadness and surprise among us,” the association said.

Ahmet Ibram, deputy head of the province of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, also reacted to the statement, referring to them as “unacceptable.”

“One of Islam’s basic beliefs is to have life based on peace between religions. It can never be accepted to have grudge and hostility against other religions’ members,” Ibram underlined….