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Muslim woman converts to Christianity, muslim husband, screaming ‘Allahu akbar,’ beats and strangles her



Mother Beaten for Her Faith

In central Uganda’s Bamusuta village, Kiboga District, a Muslim beat and left his wife after learning she had converted to Christianity.

Falida Nazziwa, 42, on Sept. 10 attended an all-night prayer vigil at an undisclosed church in Kiboga town while her husband was away in his work as a truck driver, she said. A secret Christian, Nazziwa expected her husband, Saidi Mudogo, to return late in the day on Sept. 11, but he had returned home when she arrived that morning, she said.

“In the morning as I went back home, I found my husband very furious on the compound, and he asked about where I slept,” Nazziwa told Morning Star News. “I told him the truth that I had gone for an overnight prayer in the church. After hearing the words ‘overnight prayer,’ he just jumped on my neck shouting, ‘Prayers, not in my house,’ and started beating and strangling me while shouting, ‘Allah akbar [God is greater]! Kafir, kafir [infidel]!’”

Two men heard Nazziwa’s cries and rushed over to rescue her, but Mudogo chased her and her two younger children away, and they took refuge at an undisclosed location, she said. The couple has three other older children who were away at the time.

The church pastor, unnamed for security reasons, said Nazziwa has received treatment at a medical clinic in Kiboga. She was taking medication for swelling and had internal injuries causing severe pain, he said….


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Mother Beaten for Her Faith

In central Uganda’s Bamusuta village, Kiboga District, a Muslim beat and left his wife after learning she had converted to Christianity.

Falida Nazziwa, 42, on Sept. 10 attended an all-night prayer vigil at an undisclosed church in Kiboga town while her husband was away in his work as a truck driver, she said. A secret Christian, Nazziwa expected her husband, Saidi Mudogo, to return late in the day on Sept. 11, but he had returned home when she arrived that morning, she said.

“In the morning as I went back home, I found my husband very furious on the compound, and he asked about where I slept,” Nazziwa told Morning Star News. “I told him the truth that I had gone for an overnight prayer in the church. After hearing the words ‘overnight prayer,’ he just jumped on my neck shouting, ‘Prayers, not in my house,’ and started beating and strangling me while shouting, ‘Allah akbar [God is greater]! Kafir, kafir [infidel]!’”

Two men heard Nazziwa’s cries and rushed over to rescue her, but Mudogo chased her and her two younger children away, and they took refuge at an undisclosed location, she said. The couple has three other older children who were away at the time.

The church pastor, unnamed for security reasons, said Nazziwa has received treatment at a medical clinic in Kiboga. She was taking medication for swelling and had internal injuries causing severe pain, he said….

What else do you expect from someone who follows mahomet?

syed putra

Its their divorce tradition. A cultural relic.
Christians have been dumping money into third world countries yo gain converts. You get charity if you attend church. Nothing if you attend mosques.


The romans later on, revamp the cult to their advantage and made vatican the " holy city" in rome.

Main stream Christians n Catholics are not even obsessed with Rome...compared to the mudslimes who are soo obsessed with Mecca that the haj is compulsory

syed putra

Main stream Christians n Catholics are not even obsessed with Rome...compared to the mudslimes who are soo obsessed with Mecca that the haj is compulsory
There was no obsession with mecca initially. There was never sny written history sbout caliphs doing the haj in mecca.
The great cities founded after arabs came out of arabia were egypt, baghdad, samarkhand, tashket, damascus, andalusia spain, morocco......never mecca.
Nobody bothered about mecca. Like its a recent phenomena


There was no obsession with mecca initially. There was never sny written history sbout caliphs doing the haj in mecca.
The great cities founded after arabs came out of arabia were egypt, baghdad, samarkhand, tashket, damascus, andalusia spain, morocco......never mecca.
Nobody bothered about mecca. Like its a recent phenomena
Tell that to the mudslimes


I am afraid it won't change the outcome. It is the Race that counts. It does not matter if you are a Moslem, Christian, Buddha ....

IQ determined your destiny.

Indonesia = Majority Molem
Philippines = Majority Jesus
Myanmar = Majority Buddha
South America = Majority Jesus
Africa = Majority Moslem/Jesus/Voodoo ...
Middle East = Majority Molem

All are backwards ...

Race and IQ
IQ Map-2.png