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Muslim woman becomes Christian, imam and other muslims beat her with sticks, kick and slap her



…In neighboring Kibuku District, Muslims in Bwikomba village attacked Shadia Namuzungu on Sept. 16, two days after she put her faith in Christ.

The 52-year-old mother had attended an evangelistic event on Sept. 14 in Kituti village, she said.

“I had been suffering from acute stomach pains for more than three years,” Namuzungu told Morning Star News. “I was prayed for, and the pain disappeared. After the meeting, I decided to see the pastor.”

He led her to faith in Christ, and she left with great joy and peace, Namuzungu said from her hospital bed. The imam from her mosque, Kaire Jamada, had seen her go forward for prayer at the evangelistic event, and he and other Muslims went to her home on Sept. 15, she said.

When the mosque leader questioned her about receiving prayer from the pastor, she told him she had received miraculous healing from Christ after a long illness and so had decided to follow Him.

“The imam was left in disbelief and left without uttering a word,” Namuzungu told Morning Star News. “But the following day, he returned with six other Muslims. Four of them started to destroy my crops, killed my sheep and began to pull down my house.”

Two of the Muslims beat her with sticks and kicked and slapped her, she said. They left when neighbors who heard her cries arrived.

“Shadia started to faint,” said a Christian neighbor who arrived and took her to a medical clinic. “She had deep injuries on her back, both hands, stomach, legs and had swollen eyes.”

He added that after several days in the hospital, she was still unable to walk….


She should have challenged those idiotic Mussies that she would remain a Mussie if Allah or their paedophile prophet can perform the same healing on her.