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Muslim who pled guilty to terror funding and convicted of waging war against India, says in court he chose “Gandhian way”



Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) terrorist Yasin Malik, who was convicted of criminal conspiracy and waging war against India, has claimed that he adopted a ‘Gandhian way of resistance’ since 1994.

In a recently filed affidavit before the UAPA tribunal, he sought a review of the ban on his terror organisation. Malik claimed that he left ‘armed struggle’ (read terrorism) 30 years ago to establish a ‘United Independent Kashmir’ through Gandhian ways.

The UAPA tribunal had upheld the ban of JKLF-Yasin under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act for an additional 5 years. In his affidavit, Malik alleged that top Union government officials and politicians have engaged with him to seek a ‘peaceful resolution’ in Kashmir.

The Modi government was quick to point out his role in terror financing and creating unrest in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly between 2008 and 2016.

“He used his new facade to become one of the most important channels of financial resources for the violent campaign. JKLF-Y continued its anti-national activities and…played a vital role in the riots which broke out during the years 2008, 2010 and 2016,” the Centre told the UAPA tribunal.

Life and crimes of Yasin Malik​

In May 2022, Yasin Malik was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Special NIA court for terror funding activities in Jammu and Kashmir.

The court convicted him under UAPA. He had earlier pled guilty in the case, admitting that he had been associated with terror funding activities in Jammu and Kashmir. NIA had sought the death penalty for Malik.

Malik was awarded two life imprisonment sentences, besides five 10-years sentences. However, all the punishments were ordered to run concurrently.

Malik is also accused of kidnapping former Union Home Minister Mufti Mohammed Saeed’s daughter Rubiya Saeed in 1989 and killing 5 IAF personnel in early 1990.

He is also allegedly involved in the killing of Justice Neelkanth Ganju, the judge who had ordered the death sentence for JKLF terrorist Maqbool Bhatt, and the murder of the former director of Doordarshan Kendra in Srinagar, Lassa Kau