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Muslim who lit Melbourne bushfires so that infidels would be ‘tasted by the fire of Allah’ jailed for 8 years


Judge says offending by Aran Sherani, who pledged allegiance to terrorist organisation, ‘must be denounced’

A convicted terrorist has been jailed for eight years after he filmed himself pledging allegiance to Islamic State.
A supreme court jury in 2023 found Aran Sherani, 22, guilty of preparing for a terrorist act over the 2021 video.

The footage shows him pledging allegiance to Islamic State and bragging that he was on the run from police, while holding a knife up to the camera.
Sherani later pleaded guilty to being a member of a terrorist organisation and admitted he was captured in footage lighting two bushfires in Melbourne’s north in February 2021.
In those videos, he declared civilians would be “tasted by the fire of Allah”.
But the jury acquitted Sherani and his older brother Ari on charges of attempting to commit terrorist acts.
In her sentencing remarks on Thursday, Justice Amanda Fox said Sherani had embraced and sought to advance the “depraved ideology” of Islamic State.
“It’s serious offending that must be denounced,” the judge said.
Fox jailed Sherani for eight years but he will be eligible for parole after six years.