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Muslim kills his daughter for constantly talking on the phone



Hyderabad: A man killed his daughter at their house in Musheerabad as she was constantly engaged with her phone.

According to the police, the girl aged 17 years lived along with her father Sadiq and other family members.

“On Saturday night, Sadiq scolded the victim as she was constantly speaking and chatting over phone despite his objection. Later, in early hours he killed her by strangulation,” said Musheerabad police….


Old Fart
Islam is a religion of barbarians. Quick to abuse, rape, kill. Haven't the intelligence to understand, the compassion to forgive, the ability to assimilate.


Islam is a religion of barbarians. Quick to abuse, rape, kill. Haven't the intelligence to understand, the compassion to forgive, the ability to assimilate.

Muslim defenders in this forum will insist islam is a peaceful religion, those who committed erroneous are not real muslims and their deeds have nothing to do with islam.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Islam is a religion of barbarians. Quick to abuse, rape, kill. Haven't the intelligence to understand, the compassion to forgive, the ability to assimilate.

it's NOT a religion................it's a DEATH CULT based on rape and murder..................surprised the dad didn't rape the daughter before killing her.............

Muslim defenders in this forum will insist islam is a peaceful religion, those who committed erroneous are not real muslims and their deeds have nothing to do with islam.

PISS-ful more likely...............


not surprising .
this is what happened when mass number of low IQ people following a fake teaching invented by a psychopath masquerading as religion .....
the huge number of adherents tends to reinforce the idea that their believe is truth and good. :biggrin: