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Muslim e-hailing drivers not allowed to send passengers to places of vice



Former religious minister: Muslim e-hailing drivers not allowed to send passengers to places of vice

  • 01-07- 2024 04:55 PM

Credit: Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri / Facebook Credit: Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri / Facebook

PETALING JAYA: Muslims working as e-hailing drivers are not allowed to send passengers to nightclubs, or any entertainment centres associated with the exposure of aurat, alcohol, and similar activities.

Former Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Seri Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri, said that as it includes in the acts towards assisting in sinful and immoral acts against Allah SWT, according to a report by Kosmo.

“If they can politely decline without affecting their livelihood, they should do so.

“And if such a situation persists, then at the same time, they should work towards finding other jobs with a purer income and be more blessed by Allah SWT,“ he was quoted as saying.

He gave these explanations in response to a question from a user regarding the ruling on driving e-hailing and receiving bookings to transport customers to entertainment centres or nightclubs.

Zulkifli also elaborated on the situation where e-hailing drivers occasionally or rarely have to transport passengers to places associated with sin and immorality, and when refusing bookings might put their job in jeopardy.

“If the nature of their job is essentially good, where they are primarily supposed to take passengers to their desired destinations, and only occasionally in certain situations (and rarely) have to take passengers to specific places related to sin and immorality, and if they frequently refuse to take passengers, it might lead to them being dismissed from their job or affecting their employment.”

He explained that in such a situation, especially when it is extremely difficult to find a job, it is permissible, and may Allah SWT forgive their ‘slip’.

However, he added, these drivers must allocate a portion of their earnings equivalent to the “haram” trips and channel it to the benefit and welfare of the Muslim community.


Ha ha ha … is just like telling “them” not to eat too full just eat enough…. Extra earning don’t need to do.
  • Haha
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