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Muslim cleric says ‘Zionists’ manufactured coronavirus to wage biological warfare




Imam Imran Hosein, an Islamic scholar from Trinidad and Tobago said that the Zionists manufactured the coronavirus in order to wipe out the Arabs from the Holy Land. He made these remarks in a video that was posted on his official YouTube account on May 5, 2021….
Imran Hosein: “Those who are behind this virus… it’s not from nature, it is from a laboratory. And they are in fact pursuing biological warfare. This could not have come from nature. This is my first point, that it is in conflict with our [inaudible] that the virus could then reach all of mankind at the same time. That’s not possible, from the truth which has come from the Quran. If the virus has come from a laboratory, it’s manufactured, it constitutes, as I said, biological warfare. I have given the analyses many, many times so far in this last one year or so that we’ve been living with the virus, that we can recognize the end game. The end game is located in the holy land. And so this virus has Zionist roots in it.
“And so I anticipate that they will keep this virus turning, turning, and turning and turning around the world and coming and going until eventually, I don’t know how long from now… until eventually a virus will be released in the holy land, in Israel, which will be the most dangerous virus of all, manufactured in a laboratory. And this is the one which will wipe out the Arabs. Well then, if it’s wiping out the Arabs, well, what about the Jews? You can’t have a virus that will also wipe out the Jews. So in other words, we are looking for a virus that is manufactured, that has DNA specification that will target only Arabs and not target Jews.
“When the Arabs in the holy land and around the holy land are wiped out, then the Israelis, the Zionists, can say: ‘well, don’t blame us, the virus has been here all along, don’t blame us. This virus is from nature.’ Well, I am telling you from now, you should not be brainwashed, it’s time for you to open your eyes and look and see, and what I am offering to you is I believe, I believe, I believe is credible.”


Please come back crusades. All camelrider book followers should fight in middle east until a winner emerges. Wipe the other 2


imams are muslim priests devoted to study the koran in depth. Live data proved that an islamic extremist is one who is pious or studied islamic texts in details.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
No such things as a muslim religious leader. Its just between the individual and god.

Tell that to the moslems. The moslem religious scholars enjoy a huge amount of influence amongst moslems. Many can exert political pressure on politicians, and in islamic societies, they go around surrounded by armed guns in masks, not much different from cartel bosses. I'm glad that in Singapore, Ah Gong has clamped down on religion getting involved in politics. Our local moslem scholars are much better behaved than their foreign counterparts ever since.

syed putra

Tell that to the moslems. The moslem religious scholars enjoy a huge amount of influence amongst moslems. Many can exert political pressure on politicians, and in islamic societies, they go around surrounded by armed guns in masks, not much different from cartel bosses. I'm glad that in Singapore, Ah Gong has clamped down on religion getting involved in politics. Our local moslem scholars are much better behaved than their foreign counterparts ever since.
The people who hangs around clerics and seek guidance from them have committed blasphemy. They will have to answer in the next life if they believe in god or their clerics,


Alfrescian (Inf)
The people who hangs around clerics and seek guidance from them have committed blasphemy. They will have to answer in the next life if they believe in god or their clerics,

I know u dont believe in Allah azzawajal. The moment u stop breathing, the Angel of Death, fast and fury, will snatch ur soul away. Be prepared to be punished in ur grave till Judgement Day. And on Judgement Day itself u will be barbecued like satay lembu. I hereby testify to Allah azzawajal i already convey the message i.e. believing in Allah azzawajal, to @syed putra. :cool: Dont say i nvr warn u....