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murdered couple found in thailand.....could it be the luxury scam duo?



A man and a woman were found in a fresh grave in Chok Chai district on Thursday evening and local residents said they were not known to them.

A villager gathering forest products reported finding a fresh pile of earth covered over with branches near Ban Don Lai village in tambon Tha Yiam, about 400 metres from the nearest road.

The village head and other residents went to check it out. They dug into the soil and quicky stopped when they uncovered part of a human body.

Police were called to the scene and rescue workers dug deeper, uncovering the bodies of a man and a woman buried less than one metre down. The bodies were naked.

Village headman Thepbancha Saikrathok said the woman’s body was above the man's body in the grave, and each was mostly covered with a layer of cement.

More at https://shrtcô.de/pumfW3

syed putra

I think it should be done real life.
Like cementing the body into the wall Or
Cement the body then dump the hardened concrete into a deep dug out.
Like this?

Missing KL deputy public prosecutor found murdered, body dumped in oil drum​

Missing KL deputy public prosecutor found murdered, body dumped in oil drum
Malaysian Federal CID director Datuk Seri Mohmad Salleh (left) is seen near the concrere-filled drum in which Kevin Anthony Morais's remains were found. Photo: The Malaysian Insider
Missing KL deputy public prosecutor found murdered, body dumped in oil drum
The late Malaysian Deputy Public Prosecutor Kevin Anthony Morais. Photo: The Malaysian Insider
Missing KL deputy public prosecutor found murdered, body dumped in oil drum
The burnt car which was said to resemble the make of the government-issued grey Proton Perdana car which Kevin Morais was last seen in when leaving his condominium on the morning of Sept 4. Photo: Malay Mail Online
Missing KL deputy public prosecutor found murdered, body dumped in oil drum
Malaysian Federal CID director Datuk Seri Mohmad Salleh (left) is seen near the concrere-filled drum in which Kevin Anthony Morais's remains were found. Photo: The Malaysian Insider
Missing KL deputy public prosecutor found murdered, body dumped in oil drum
The late Malaysian Deputy Public Prosecutor Kevin Anthony Morais. Photo: The Malaysian Insider
Missing KL deputy public prosecutor found murdered, body dumped in oil drum
The burnt car which was said to resemble the make of the government-issued grey Proton Perdana car which Kevin Morais was last seen in when leaving his condominium on the morning of Sept 4. Photo: Malay Mail Online
Missing KL deputy public prosecutor found murdered, body dumped in oil drum
Malaysian Federal CID director Datuk Seri Mohmad Salleh (left) is seen near the concrere-filled drum in which Kevin Anthony Morais's remains were found. Photo: The Malaysian Insider
Published September 17, 2015
Updated September 17, 2015
KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysian police yesterday confirmed that missing deputy public prosecutor Kevin Anthony Morais was murdered after human remains were found in a concrete-filled drum in Subang Jaya 12 days after his disappearance.
Police also confirmed that seven people, including a military doctor, have been arrested.


Federal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) director Mohmad Salleh said the main suspect had led police to the swampy area, where the drum, containing Morais’ body, was dumped. “We believe it has to do with a case in the Shah Alam court that Morais was involved in. The suspect was involved in a corruption case that Morais was prosecuting,” he said at the scene.
Morais, who was with the Attorney-General Chambers and believed to be involved in investigations surrounding troubled state investment firm 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), was reported missing on Sept 4 after he left home for work.
While initially handled as a missing person’s case, the authorities later reclassified the case to one of abduction based on footage from a closed-circuit television camera obtained in Kuala Lumpur.
The footage showed Morais’ car being rammed by another car along a road in the city before being taken away by several men.
Speculation was rife during the initial period of the case that Morais had worked in the special taskforce investigating 1MDB, and that this had led to his disappearance.