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Chitchat Mudlaysian guy wants advice to steal job in Singapore

Scrooball (clone)



Wish I can agree with you, but this jiuhu monkey has a Diploma in IT. So he will be gunning for some tech support or customer service role which could have gone to a Singaporean diploma holder. Don't get him mixed up with the usual SPM standard who wants to do some admin assistant job at $1.5k/mth.
NCS and Opus and Asiapac M1 and CTC Global love hiring Malaysians Pinoys CECA for IT support aka desktop engineer jobs
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syed putra

Cum here to steal breakfast, lunch and dinner from Sinkies, create good jobs.
It's location made The British build all Railroads and roads in peninsular West and east coast to end in tg pagar. The only port, international airport and university, movie studios in the old days. I doubt if things will change anytime soon.