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m&d advised underaged girl to eat pineapple after sex with her.

A Singaporean

Can a girl get pregnant at 13?

syed putra

You are considered a adult when you achieve puberty in the old days. Kings and queens got married at 14 or 16 which is normal even in europe wrt females.


I think that m&d meant that the girl eats pineapple with her CB after sex.....


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are considered a adult when you achieve puberty in the old days. Kings and queens got married at 14 or 16 which is normal even in europe wrt females.

That's because lifespan was very short, and even shorter in a palace where assassinations and executions often happen. So you were encouraged to spread your seed wide and often. :wink:

Back in the day, marriages were arranged and for forming political alliances. Nothing like Prince Harry marrying some brown-skinned showbiz floozy after fucking her a few times. :rolleyes: