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AWARE awards honour those who break through gender barriers
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SINGAPORE: Various individuals were honoured at the inaugural AWARE Awards on Monday night at a fund-raising gala at the Grand Hyatt hotel.
The awards were given to men and women who have broken through gender barriers and helped to nurture a culture of gender equality in Singapore.
MP Halimah Yacob received the Heroine award for raising issues in parliament to improve the lives of women. These includes anti-discrimination measures for pregnant female employees, protecting the rights of domestic workers, as well as protection against sexual harassment.
The AWARE Hero award went to Benny Bong for his work to prevent family violence.
Wong Pei Chi, along with Jolene Tan, received the AWARE Young Wonders award for organising the "No To Rape" campaign.
The awards were created to mark the Association of Women for Action and Research's 26th anniversary.
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SINGAPORE: Various individuals were honoured at the inaugural AWARE Awards on Monday night at a fund-raising gala at the Grand Hyatt hotel.
The awards were given to men and women who have broken through gender barriers and helped to nurture a culture of gender equality in Singapore.
MP Halimah Yacob received the Heroine award for raising issues in parliament to improve the lives of women. These includes anti-discrimination measures for pregnant female employees, protecting the rights of domestic workers, as well as protection against sexual harassment.
The AWARE Hero award went to Benny Bong for his work to prevent family violence.
Wong Pei Chi, along with Jolene Tan, received the AWARE Young Wonders award for organising the "No To Rape" campaign.
The awards were created to mark the Association of Women for Action and Research's 26th anniversary.