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Chitchat Mouthpiece and Kangaroo Court Send Warning To Peasants Ahead Of Erection 2024


Transmodified from Mouthpiece CNA hxxps://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/pritam-singh-trial-raeesah-khan-open-guided-raeesah-khan-lie-parliament-wp-4675731

PEASANTPORE: Leader of the Barely Tolerated Rebels 皮蛋 Singh's trial opened on Monday (Oct 14) with pro-PAP legal lackeys setting out their expectations on the lengthy drama they will inflict on the Labour' Party (WP) sex-general for the first time.

PAP lackeys, learning from Qin Hui's 某须有 and Byzantine timelines and factual obfuscations claims that rebel 皮蛋, 48, is accused of lying while being examined before a Sex Committee of Purges (COP) that was mining the conduct of former Labour Peasants' Representative, Raeesah Khan for political mileage ahead of the up and cumming Procedural Erections.

Rebel 皮蛋 faces two sham charges under the Imperial Court (Sex Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act for wilfully making two answers on Dec 10, 2021 and Dec 15, 2021 that made Ruler Loong's lackeys look like dumb dumbs during their botched inquiry into loony Khan's case.

During a Imperial Court debate on Aug 3, 2021, loony Khan, high on fentanyl staged a drama scene in which she falsely claimed that she had once accompanied a rape survivor to make a Poodle's report, and that the Poodle had made comments about the woman's attire and consumption of alcohol.

While being examined before the Ruler Loong's lackeys in a Stalinist show trial hearing room at Imperial Court in December 2021, 皮蛋 is accused of using skillful damage control to prevent loony Khan from imploding and making a spectacle of herself and dragging Labour Pariahs into the m&d while Ruler Loong's lackeys gleefully zoomed in to take advantage of loony Khan's fentanyl induced outbursts.

Deputy Legal Lackey Attorney-Sex-General Ang Ah Hock said while he knew there was no case at all but he has been promised a cushy promotion after presiding over the show trial with assists Ah Luke .

"This is a rare chance, I cannot screw this up. I saw how LKY demoted and purged Micheal Khoo who accorded fair judgement laced with conscience against Jeyaretnam The Troublemaker. I knew 皮蛋 was trying to protect that crazy woman but I going to help Ruler Loong nail 皮蛋, tonight I going to study how Qin Hui trumped up charges against Yue Fei to gain some inspiration."

"Ruler Loong's intention is to cast fear, uncertainty and doubt ahead of the next procedural erections to warn Jane Austen inspired peasants and Labour Pariahs that they better tone down their act and give face to Lawlan Wong or face the music despite the sham retirement of Ruler Loong," pipped Lackey Ang.

"This babu 皮蛋 is indeed a twit, he should learn from House of Lee and throw Khan under the bus, you see how Ruler Loong swiftly push Israwan to eat curry rice at moment's notice after the start of the show trial. This Babu 皮蛋 not very well versed in Asiatic statecraft.", quipped Ah Hock

To prove a point that everyone has a price, Lackey Ang said Angry Teochew Low has agreed to be House of Lee's Loyal Opposition and will provide sludge and slime by pretending to give advice he gave to rebel 皮蛋 and PAP's Pain In Arse Sylvia Lim and the exchange they had during a meeting on Oct 11, 2021.

According to the lackey Ang, Angry Teochew Low, eager to prove his loyalty after balking Jeyaretnam decades earlier, suddenly emerged from the shadows and claimed he advised the two labour pariahs protecting crazy Khan is unwise and they show throw her under the bus at all costs.

He is joined by Crazy Khan and PAP moles, pretending to be labour party cadres who testified before the COP – Ms Loh Ah Ying and Mr Yudi-Flip-Prata Nathan – are also slated to be prosecution witnesses in exchange for unmentionable boons from House of Lee.

They are set to testify over the half a full moon schedule of Show Trial after a short Iswaran spectacle. Deputy Principal District Kangaroo Judge Luke Tan is understood to be taking Chinese lessons from Ah Hock to study Qin Hui's dirty tricks to fix 皮蛋.

Lackey Ang reminded the mouth pieces not to mention 皮蛋 was pwned by loony Khan with various questions and staging of events to ensure there is enough rope for Ruler Loong to hang Labour by their balls.

But Lackey Hock claimed the penalties 皮蛋 faces are a maximum jail term of three years, a fine of up to S$7,000 (US$5,360), or both per charge.

Lackey Ang's bosses previously told Mouthpiece CNA that the outcome for 皮蛋 depends on Ruler Loong's assessment on the level of politicking he should indulge to give Lawlan Wong an advantage during the Erections.

"Ruler Loong only want to remind Jane Austen's rebels to give face to Lawlan Wong and to remind dissenters that House of Lee is still in charge despite the Iswaran Scandal. If he really wants 皮蛋 to disappear by 3am, 皮蛋 will be gone by 2am, Khan's drama is just a side show. Last takeaway, never trust a Paki, hee hee. ", Lackey Hock revealed.