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Most industries in ukraine are owned by russians,

syed putra


Ukraine plane engine builder head held on treason charges, report media​

Ukraine plane engine builder head held on treason charges, report media

An area of Ukrainian aerospace company Motor Sich and association ‘Corporation Ivchenko’ are seen at the annual exhibition of weaponry and military equipment ‘Arms and Security 2021’ in Kyiv, Ukraine June 15, 2021. — Reuters pic
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Sunday, 23 Oct 2022 10:48 AM MYT
OCT 23 — A former owner of a prestigious aircraft engine builder in central Ukraine has been detained on treason charges, Ukrainian media reported yesterday, quoting security sources.

Several of Ukraine's most prominent media outlets said Vyacheslav Boguslaev, the "honorary head" of the Motor Sich company in the central city of Zaporizhzhia, had been detained and was being taken to Kyiv in a convoy.

The reports quoted security sources as saying Boguslaev, a former member of parliament, was suspected of collaborating with and assisting Russian forces occupying parts of four Ukrainian regions, including Zaporizhzhia region.
The city of Zaporizhzhia remains under Ukrainian control.

The reports quoted security sources as saying investigators had to break down the front door of Boguslaev's home in order to conduct a search.


Prominent journalist Iryna Romaliyska, writing on Facebook and also quoting security sources, said Boguslaev was known for his pro-Russian views. He was suspected, she wrote, of supplying Russia with parts for helicopters and planes and of having contacts with Russian special services.
Moror Sich is a well-known manufacturer of aircraft engines and industrial turbines. Ukrainian authorities last year blocked attempts by Chinese companies to take over the firm. (Reporting by Ronald Popeski Editing by Marguerita Choy)

Singapore Dancing Spirit


Rothschild's intelligence from the outset of the shadow of the spiritual realm, separate from the world organizations, individual country’s democratic institutions a deep state. Mossad is the driving force to control Israel politics who can control USA, UK politicians in turn,
  1. AIPAC and its lobby wield a significant amount of influence over American policy, specifically foreign policy
  2. Rothschild controls the world through his secret services which he seems to exercise on Israel secret services/Mossad. Even in this day and age, Rothschild's influences are pervasive globally and not limited to one area of the country, but it seems predominantly controls USA policies
  3. Israel tops the list of countries that aggressively spy on the U.S.
  4. Israel directly benefits from most US wars of imperialism. So, it will demand USA to help out with funds and weapons
  5. AIPAC is powerful in USA politics
  6. AIPAC has been around for over 60 years and was originally the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs (AZCPA) — which would be renamed AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) in 1959.
  7. Rothschild internally controls the UK government with Mossad, UK secret services and Royal family
  8. G7 leaders would agree with UN
You would think people would be more concerned or at least cognizant of an organization that represents foreign interests having such unwavering support with American Congressmembers.

Rothschild holds major stake with Super-rich organizations that they predominantly own and control the mainstream media, social media, Top IT companies, workforce, education system, companies, banks, energy supplies and governments. They are controlled by the richest people in the world such as Saudi Arbia Saud family. They also hide behind many organizations such as the United Nations, the WTO and the Council on Foreign relations.

What is the TRUTH behind the Russo-Ukraine war??

Both Russians and Ukrainians war mongers as they are all Nazis and Fascists (mixed with Jewish communistic mindset). Russia will always be a threat for USA as Rothschild controls USA with Mossad. Rothschild also uses Mossad to play the games with Kremlin and Jewish card with Ukraine that might ignite wars with 2 nations easily. Both Ukraine and Russia are oil rich nations. The secret of Russo-Ukraine war involves the secret of secret services between Mossad, Kremlin and Ukraine (SBU). This is part of their business strategy; they share certain sensitive secret information. The supremacy of Mossad is that it controls the secret Servcices of all nations including Singapore secret services.

However, Satan always helps Rothschild's Monopoly business that controls the world energy of OIL and GAS prices with the help of his secret services Mossad. Mossad works for Rothschild but controls Israel on behalf of Rothschild family. Nobody knows this secret as I am a matured spiritual man above Mossad and Rothschild's wisdom. It was Rothschild with the influence of devil instructing Mossad to play with Kremlin intelligence to stage a war. Apparently, Kremlin intelligence overlooked the info due to the overconfident Russian military led by President Putin whose has been determined to invade (mindset of a communist). Kremlin may have been distorted by a closed circle of pliant advisers. Putin is now apparently an anti-Rothschilds along with China, Iran, North Korea, India (sooner) as Rothschild with Mossad mobilizing the world governments such as USA to help Ukraine with funds and weapons with its influence with UN and Nato.

Russia and China economy were targeted. India to be next eventually to fall. It was all premediated. Nancy Pelocy's Taiwan visit was to ignite CCP to react in anger. Xi Jinping even decree a war with Taiwan even at the recent CCP meeting. At the same time Mossad use USA to join Taiwan if China plans a war. Rothschild who also controls the Chip manufacturing is now projecting Taiwan above South Korea and China. The use mobile companies to shift to India for manufacturing. It is only temporary only as India can never compete with China in hardware manufacturing.

These are all part of the games of Rothschild's Monopoly business. The funny part is stupid Indians do whatever they wanted.

To be continued...

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Moror Sich is a well-known manufacturer of aircraft engines and industrial turbines. Ukrainian authorities last year blocked attempts by Chinese companies to take over the firm.
Motor sich had been a long time development partner for Chinese civil aviation. When the sanction happened last year it was immediately clear who was behind it.

Singapore Dancing Spirit


INDIANS are unclean, unethical and they are so cheap (in terms of Quality) and they are tasked to do the following underground works for Rothschild's Monopoly, Pindar, CEO of Earth Inc.

❶ Globalization is the agenda for Rothschild, Indians are willing to migrate to work globally Indians
❷ India is the birthplace of all INCEST and FORNICATION who can work secretly to promote LGBTQ+ agenda via internet, social media developed by Indians. Based on my research Indians are primary source who used the social media, SEO and content management to FILL the internet with such wicked information behind the scenes. Google, Facebook, Twitter etc promote LGBTQ. Most of the community rules were developed to undermine the democracy. Even to suspend Trump's accounts is to suppress the power of a nation but to empower FACIST GOVERNMENT of Rothschild.
❸ Promote LGBTQ, Women leadership, Cisgenders or Transgenders to come out of the closet, illicit sex via internet and social media embracing women leadership over men in social, political and corporate world and probing through women funds
❹ Laundering for Pink money through Hegde funds to thrive businesses, make IT Giants to grow in the world markets with an influence of internet and social media so as to supersede their net values above the US Government budget (Example the worth of Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc superseded US Government budget). This is to undermine the power of US President.
❺ Build a ONE-WORLD-DATABASE comprising of all nations user data including user data, financial status, biometric info for data analytics and monopoly of one-family business with a help Indians who collaborate this via infrastructure, digital transformation and automation of global markets through premediated cloud services, migrating legacy to cloud and mandating SWIFT messages to follow ISO20020 so as to make both domestic and international to follow same standards. This may help populating Realtime world data that will be at fingertips for the superrich family to maintain their IT monopoly. All sinkies private sex videos which were stored in their gadgets are all now collaborated to populate the World Database.
❻ Global banking and financial businesses migrating to lower cost locations like India who can support any illegal buiness with a WFH policy for Indians to grow as Private banking data is no longer private.
❼ NGOs are stronger than government organizations as the government funds are weaker than private incorporations. This resulted in weakening the political powers so as to promote the fascist government
❾ International Lawlessness - Recent cases involving kidnapping, sexual orgies and murder of children and youth cases of Rothschild, Queen, Pope, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew and the rich elites listed above were pending at the international court of law as no one could challenge the dragon or lion in the spiritual realm. Indians helped to secretly code to procure child for sex, and murder (Human sacrifice rituals)
❿ Businesses and banks on all digital platforms shares the private information's contributing to the new world order. Indians were predominantly recruited to work in the accounting firms to manipulate all online, internet and ecommerce platforms somehow, they all pass the IT auditing even though the data breech is unreported. It is again the unethical Indians with fake credentials working in accounting firms who won't be held accountable for their crimes.
❽ Rewarding Nobel prizes for all erroneous scientific inventions in Science and Technology undermines true wisdom as I have alreay challenging at least 5 of such rewards awarded wrongfully. Talents are totally neglected in the world arena. Fake degree and fake knowledge are all over the internet. 99% information on the internet seems to be wrong or with ERRORS.
⓫ Funding Space travel programs run by NGOs so as to bring down government funded organization such as NASA. For example, Elon Musk is made more popular in the world when Russia started waging war with Ukraine. Mainstream media and social media covering more of Elon Musk's as he provided his Starlink Services to war-torn Ukraine, getting more credits than President Biden who was helpless.
⓬ President Biden stripped Russian banks out Swift system swiftly but China and India are now playing to bring a competition to SWIFT so as to undermine American superiority. This is also to empower fascist government over democracies. It is just a game for the Rothschild's superrich family that controls the economy of the world. BREXIT, UK leaving the EU is another example of Rothschild's influence to maintain his monopoly business.
⓭ Rothschild and co supported both India and China to soar high in production of global software's business and manufacturing sector respectively. They generated more products and generated ROI. For many decades, the “Made in China” label has become synonymous (damn cheap) with low-cost and low-quality products. The reputation and the quality of any Indian IT products is emerging with similar label of *cheap* software products MADE IN INDIA. This is just a trend to make India and China to take part in the global trade so that the mission of accomplishing world database possible.

This list is incomplete as the list grows.

Point here is Indians from India played a major role bringing Chaos in IT and FinTech

Singapore Dancing Spirit

ALL SG Government data, MOH data, financial data are all leaked out the WORLD DATABASE

Thats because inexperienced smart nation efforts and ignorant 4G leakers who has zero knowledge in IT used the Cloud services for all Government projects. I will bring this up in due time as none of the apps developed by GovTech is robust and secured.


ALL SG Government data, MOH data, financial data are all leaked out the WORLD DATABASE

Thats because inexperienced smart nation efforts and ignorant 4G leakers who has zero knowledge in IT used the Cloud services for all Government projects. I will bring this up in due time as none of the apps developed by GovTech is robust and secured.

Stinkypura is a yankee vassal state.

Even without cloud services, there are many other ways in which yanks hack crack steal spy on your info incl backdoors on your hardware. They cry hoarse over tiong huawei coz they dun want another competitor to appear that won't follow orders issued from washington d.c.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Stinkypura is a yankee vassal state.

Even without cloud services, there are many other ways in which yanks hack crack steal spy on your info incl backdoors on your hardware. They cry hoarse over tiong huawei coz they dun want another competitor to appear that won't follow orders issued from washington d.c.
Not really....

If you talk about GCP, AWS, Aszure (cloud services by Google, Amazon, Microsoft) they are rigid. Outsiders cannot hack them out. Only insiders can hack their own clouds platforms as they can encrypt and decrepit any data within their platform. That is why they are making money by selling such data underground. That is why Google, Amazon, Microsoft does not want any other national to work for them. They don't want Singaporeans to work for Google, Amazon, Microsoft local offices in SG either. Only CECA or Indian nationals are needed for them. MOM (is a bullshit) as I have sufficient evidence to nail the MOM on their head in due time as MOM does not work for Singaporeans as they minister to INDIA and CECA. Beware.

Remember BIG DATA, BIG MONEY.... that is the catch. Who is collecting such data, Rothschilds secret services.
No wonder DBS, Singtel, SIA (all Temasek subsidiaries to name a few) want to invest so much in India to tap more user data, but it is too late already as I am ready to unmask the anti-social elements to the world already)