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More Nut Cases in Peesai. Thanks to Unbridled Frashisation!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 13 Jun 2010
Youth goes berserk at Holland Village: he kicks at cars and lays on road


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Alfred spotted this youth behaving strangely last night at Holland Village. He says the youth, who seemed agitated, was running onto the road, yelling and kicking at vehicles passing by and even climbed on top of a vehicle.
Said the STOMPer:
"This guy was shouting and kicking at any car or cab that passed by. I think he was a teenager, as he sounded quite young.
"A lot of people in my building heard him shouting at 3 am so we went out to take a look. His friends arrived later on.
"He even chased after an oncoming cab and the poor driver had to back off after he stepped in front of the vehicle.
"He stopped another cab, kicked it and climbed onto the wind screen and slept there, blocking the driver.
"Even when the police arrived, he continued shouting and ran onto the road again.
"It only ended approximately at 6 am this morning."

Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: siao one , strange behaviour , shouting , Holland Village , car , dangerous
You and your fav FT bashing topic are getting stale and boring.
How long does it take you to realise this, ?
He's probably possessed! :eek:

"My name is Legion; for we are many." (Mark 5 : 9)