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More growth potential unlock to let small big bosses to huat big big....of course 70% is always right



SINGAPORE: Hawker stalls will be allowed to hire long-term visit pass holders (LTVP) who have been approved to work in Singapore as stall assistants from Jan 1 next year, announced Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment Koh Poh Koon on Monday (Oct 14).

Currently, only Singapore citizens and permanent residents can be stallholders or work as stall assistants in hawker centres managed by the National Environment Agency (NEA) and its appointed operators.


However, “NEA exercises some flexibility by allowing stallholders to appoint their spouses who are LTVP or LTVP-Plus holders (who have been given approval to work in the country) as their stall assistants, given their familial ties to the hawkers”, said Dr Koh in parliament.

With manpower being one of the main cost drivers for hawkers, the relaxation of NEA’s hiring policies serves to provide them with more hiring options, the agency said in a factsheet provided to the media.