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More ASEAN countries seek to join BRICS. No one wants Angmorika cock sucker aka Sickipoora .


Will ASEAN becomes irrelevant?
ASEAN will co-exist with BRICs, which is a much looser alliance. But until the populous nations like Thailand and Indonesia become more industrialized and bigger consumer markets, ASEAN's relevance will diminish since BRICs is now larger than either the EU or US, and has all the tech and knowhow that ASEAN needs.

Singapore as a US lackey will be in no-man's land, and will be royally screwed, we'll be deprived of a huge market for our exports.



China’s Spate of Violence Prompts Outburst of Economic Anxiety​

  • Citizens express concern over downturn as pressures mount
  • Flurry of stabbings unusual in country where violence is rare

By Bloomberg News
June 22, 2024 at 9:56 AM GMT+8

The reaction of Chinese social media users to a spate of recent violent attacks has exposed widespread discontent about the nation’s downturn, as economic pressures mount.

Shanghai police reported a stabbing Wednesday morning in one of the city’s metro stations, which — like other subway lines in major Chinese cities — has security checks at its entrances. The suspect was detained after injuring three people and the case is under investigation, police said in a statement.
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