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More and more jiuhu university students get HIV


Rise in number of HIV cases involving tertiary students since 2021, Dewan Rakyat told

NATION Wednesday, 03 Jul 2024 9:02 AM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR: There has been an increasing trend of HIV cases among tertiary students aged from 18 to 25 years old in public and private higher education institutions across the country, the Dewan Rakyat was told.

The Higher Education Ministry, citing figures from the Health Ministry, said there were 214 HIV cases involving tertiary students in 2020, followed by a slight reduction of 186 cases in 2021.

But, the number went up to 221 cases in 2022 and 244 cases last year, said the Higher Education Ministry.

“The percentage of public and private higher education learning institutions is between 6.7% to 7.6% from the total amount of new HIV cases identified in the years mentioned,” added the Higher Education Ministry.

The Higher Education Ministry said through public universities, it has planned and implemented various programmes involving advocacy, awareness and prevention in relation to HIV infections.

“We are always aware and concerned about the wellbeing of students, including issues involving health and disease infections,” it added.

The Higher Education Ministry also said that from 2022 till June this year, it held 77 advocacy, awareness and prevention programmes on HIV, involving 22,905 public university students.


r/malaysia - Masturbation Notice @ USM. (Might be PS work)