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More 1MDB secrets to emerge from Hong Kong, Singapore, says journalist Rewcastle Brown


Details of the millions that former prime minister Najib Razak and his wife allegedly took from the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) sovereign wealth fund and hid in Hong Kong and Singapore will soon emerge in the widening investigations on how billions were looted from Malaysia’s national coffers, said investigative journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown.

Rewcastle, whose blog The Sarawak Report fuelled corruption allegations against Najib and his associates – leading to his electoral defeat in May this year – was in Hong Kong on Wednesday to publicise her new book.

“1MDB is going to rear its head in Hong Kong quite soon. A lot of the money stolen by the former ruling couple of Malaysia ended up here in Hong Kong. I cannot see how the lid is going to be kept on that much longer,” Rewcastle told a lunchtime crowd at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club.

On Wednesday evening, at a gathering organised by the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macau, Rewcastle said she believed secret deals were done in Singapore so the funds Najib had squirrelled away would not be exposed.

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