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MOM Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Inspectors should respect business privacy

Byebye Penis

This morning, two MOM Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) inspectors made a surprise visit to my workplace. I got to accompany them to our warehouse.

- These people came suddenly without any prior notice, even police will produce some sort of search warrants.
- They took more than 20 photos of our warehouse inventory like a commercial spy. We are not comfortable with it. To our competitors, the remarks on boxes provide information of our product-source and customization. We will told to have first-aid boxes in warehouse and better staples??? for our packaging.
- There was nothing to fault, except that they told us to update risk-assessment forms. One chinese guy was cocky, probably ex-SAF regular. He even entered our office and told us that we could use more ergonomic furniture.

I wonder if these safety officers dare to raid our DBS banks and stat boards and tell them to use more ergonomic furniture or safer staples. Will they just enter the premises of any semi-conductor plants and freely take photos of their facilities and inventories. Instead of telling us to have more first-aid boxes and safer staples, shouldn't these officers spend more time on the dangerous construction sites and shipyards?

After they leave, i got to write report and email them.


This morning, two MOM Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) inspectors made a surprise visit to my workplace. I got to accompany them to our warehouse.

- These people came suddenly without any prior notice, even police will produce some sort of search warrants.
- They took more than 20 photos of our warehouse inventory like a commercial spy. We are not comfortable with it. To our competitors, the remarks on boxes provide information of our product-source and customization. We will told to have first-aid boxes in warehouse and better staples??? for our packaging.
- There was nothing to fault, except that they told us to update risk-assessment forms. One chinese guy was cocky, probably ex-SAF regular. He even entered our office and told us that we could use more ergonomic furniture.

I wonder if these safety officers dare to raid our DBS banks and stat boards and tell them to use more ergonomic furniture or safer staples. Will they just enter the premises of any semi-conductor plants and freely take photos of their facilities and inventories. Instead of telling us to have more first-aid boxes and safer staples, shouldn't these officers spend more time on the dangerous construction sites and shipyards?

After they leave, i got to write report and email them.
They're there because there are complaints.
Be glad that they just wayang and tell you inconsequential things to follow up. These guys understand that businesses have a difficult environment to operate in. Be grateful.
Remember. It's all a show.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Maybe they'll stop harassing you if you pay them kopi money. Times are hard now after all. These things are not just exclusive to Malaysia or China. :cool: