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MOE bans its teachers from speaking to the media. Only Chan Chun Sing can talk


The names of teachers interviewed for this story have been changed at their request as they were not authorised to speak to the media.

Creativity in students? Easier for non-academic activities than schoolwork, Singapore teachers say​

Singapore’s 15-year-olds topped the 2022 PISA study on creative thinking, but teachers say it's not easy to encourage creativity in academic work.
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The names of teachers interviewed for this story have been changed at their request as they were not authorised to speak to the media.

Creativity in students? Easier for non-academic activities than schoolwork, Singapore teachers say​

Singapore’s 15-year-olds topped the 2022 PISA study on creative thinking, but teachers say it's not easy to encourage creativity in academic work.
PAP controls the civil servants tightly...EVIL PARTY


Alfrescian (Inf)
As the SAF protocol goes... follow the proper chain of command. :biggrin:

NTUC and SAF: the two sources from where the PAP recruits trash. :cool:



Civil servants have to be obedient serfs of the MIW to protect their ricebowls.:laugh:
Or else why should MOE pay these people so much ? It's to pay them to be attentive to the needs of MOE. Not teachers sprouting nonsense without CCS blessings.

Singapore teachers are a embarrassed to the pay to those around South East Asia.


The names of teachers interviewed for this story have been changed at their request as they were not authorised to speak to the media.

Creativity in students? Easier for non-academic activities than schoolwork, Singapore teachers say​

Singapore’s 15-year-olds topped the 2022 PISA study on creative thinking, but teachers say it's not easy to encourage creativity in academic work.
Single Point of contact communication protocol


Alfrescian (Inf)
Can u imagine they go and interview some random Lance Corporal in SAF and ask “what do you think of the planning of SAF day?”

The bumbling idiot may say “Wa the catering damn nice!”

In a totalitarian shithole regime, information control is paramount. If an interview of a lance corporal happened, it's a pre-planned incident, not something spontaneous and grassroots. That LCP would give a favorable soundbite for the lapdog media, as trained and instructed beforehand.

Nothing happens by accident, it's all controlled. Refer to the NDP cameras that 'magically' panned to these individuals, then gave them a feel-good interview afterwards. :cool:

Mystery 'beauty' at NDP live telecast identified​



Accidental fame for proud Singaporean who cried during National Anthem at NDP 2022​




When there is a proliferation of tuition centres in the country, it really means that the education system has failed.

If you have some money and don't mind a bit of travel hassle, sending your kids to an international school in JB will make them into more well-rounded individuals. No amount of Kumon or Mindchamps sessions here will help. :cool:

Hanor hanor. Many good tuition teachers r from Elite school too. . My dotter chinese tuition teacher is one from Elite JC. Disappointed by the system & doing a great job tutoring higher Chinese. The Elite JC HOD Maths also started tuition centre & doing well.