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Malaysian bomoh: 'MH370 is either still in the air or has crashed into the sea'
Posted on 13 March 2014 | 5,881 views | 12 comments
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The mystery surrounding the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has captured the attention of a well-known Malaysian bomoh (shaman), Ibrahim Mat Zin.
Ibrahim, who is known as Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP, arrived at the KL International Airport (KLIA) on Mon (Mar 10), claiming to have been invited by one of the country's 'top leaders', to help locate the missing plane using spiritual methods and prayer.
Ibrahim told reporters present at the incident, "We use fish trap hooks and bamboo binoculars to look and ask for the victims to be found as soon as possible". He was also seen to have performed a prayer at the entrance of KLIA.
"During my prayer, my eyes hurt and my vision turned black. I think the plane is still in the air or has crashed into the sea. I will come back here (to KLIA) in another two days after performing my prayers and I will bring something," he said.
Ibrahim made these statements three days after the flight, which was heading to Beijing, was reported lost in airspace controlled by Vietnam on Mar 8. It was carrying a total number of 227 passengers and 12 crew members.
After he performed the rituals at the airport, Ibrahim also called on all quarters to pray for the safety those on board the missing flight, reports Bernama.
The Raja Bomoh, who claims to have 50 years of experience in this field, became popular after offering his service to search for victims in several major cases in Malaysia.
Ibrahim's rituals have drawn mixed reactions from the online community after videos of his visit to the airport went viral.
One comment said that praying for the missing people and their families would have been more appropriate.
Another facebook user, however, said that the bomoh should not be mocked as doing so would be making light of the plight of the missing people and their families.
Posted on 13 March 2014 | 5,881 views | 12 comments
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The mystery surrounding the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has captured the attention of a well-known Malaysian bomoh (shaman), Ibrahim Mat Zin.
Ibrahim, who is known as Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP, arrived at the KL International Airport (KLIA) on Mon (Mar 10), claiming to have been invited by one of the country's 'top leaders', to help locate the missing plane using spiritual methods and prayer.
Ibrahim told reporters present at the incident, "We use fish trap hooks and bamboo binoculars to look and ask for the victims to be found as soon as possible". He was also seen to have performed a prayer at the entrance of KLIA.
"During my prayer, my eyes hurt and my vision turned black. I think the plane is still in the air or has crashed into the sea. I will come back here (to KLIA) in another two days after performing my prayers and I will bring something," he said.
Ibrahim made these statements three days after the flight, which was heading to Beijing, was reported lost in airspace controlled by Vietnam on Mar 8. It was carrying a total number of 227 passengers and 12 crew members.
After he performed the rituals at the airport, Ibrahim also called on all quarters to pray for the safety those on board the missing flight, reports Bernama.
The Raja Bomoh, who claims to have 50 years of experience in this field, became popular after offering his service to search for victims in several major cases in Malaysia.
Ibrahim's rituals have drawn mixed reactions from the online community after videos of his visit to the airport went viral.
One comment said that praying for the missing people and their families would have been more appropriate.
Another facebook user, however, said that the bomoh should not be mocked as doing so would be making light of the plight of the missing people and their families.