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Minister Rape Case brewing in Malaysia? Boleh ka?



'Ministerial rape': Name him and remove him
Dec 29, 10 8:00am
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vox populi small thumbnail'If not, the public will speculate on his identity and even innocent ministers will get a bad name. Whatever action to take later should be left to the police.'

Cabinet rape caper signals a nadir

Ruby Star: If a senior minister is being hurled with such a serious heinous crime as raping his own maid who has worked for him for eight years, surely our dear prime minister must act on these allegations. What say you, senior minister? Or are you still on silent mode?

Alan Goh: Can this senior minister emulate the courageous example of Dr Chua Soi Lek and admit that he is the guy who raped the helpless Indonesian maid? The incident took place two years ago under the watch of the fifth prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and it was swept under the carpet.

No wonder the fourth PM said that the fifth PM was the worse and most incompetent PM we've ever had. Will the current sixth PM, Najib Abdul Razak, care to comment on the issue, which has been highlighted on the Internet?

Louis: Chua Soi Lek might be a courageous man to some people. But I feel he had no choice. Already the DVD on his tryst was distributed nationwide and even if he denied his act till kingdom come, he will not succeed.

So the best way out was to admit it. I do not admire such a cheat. Had he not admitted his act, I am sure the government would have hushed up the matter, too.

In this case of a minister allegedly raping his maid, there is no chance that Najib will expose him. This is the practice of Umno. Its members have too many scandals, and if really they are exposed, the whole of Umno will collapse.

Titan: If all these allegations are true, it's high time PM Najib burns his bridges with this senior minister. This 'migraine' will not just disappear. It will linger on at the by-election and the 13th general elections.

Sabawak: When this Lim Yew Hock fellow went missing and the papers carried the news here, it made headlines. He was later found registering himself in a hotel as Mr Hawk.

That was a funny story. I remember following it here in Malaysia, there were all kinds of theories, he was kidnaped was one, he drowned at sea was another, but the theory that he was in bed with another woman never caught anybody's imagination. How could it be? He was the Malaysian high commissioner to Australia.

Ahmad: If indeed the news of ministerial rape is true, then the government must name the minister and remove him from the cabinet. If he is not named, then the public is speculating on his identity and in the end, even innocent ministers will get a bad name.

Whatever action to take later should be left to the police. If they have a good case, let them act.

Perkasa wants Malay version of Pemandu

P Dev Anand Pillai: Since there is a possibility that the current regime may very well take Perkasa's advice and set up such a unit as a Malay Pemandu, can the Chinese ask for a Chinese version of Pemandu and the Indians an Indian version of Pemandu?

Since they are also asking for a person with ministerial rank to head it, why not also ensure that their decisions cannot be challenged in court. Whether they form Pemandu, Pelari or Pelompat, nothing will change if the mindset does not.

Gigento: I am a Malay and I am not sure whether I should be feeling happy every time Perkasa talks. It sounds like it is some big organisation taking care the welfare of the Malays.

Frankly, every time I hear Perkasa talks, I felt embarrassed and cheated. Embarrassed because are we Malays that weak? And cheated because are they really fighting for me or for the Umno cronies?

I think I will stick with Pakatan Rakyat and take my chances.

Fly Emirates: Since Perkasa wants a Malay version of Pemandu, it will make a lot sense for Perkasa to promote a Malay version of income taxes. The justification is that since government programmes are geared towards the Malays, other races should be exempted from paying taxes as they do not benefit from these programmes.

Changeagent: There is no end to the racially divisive demands by Perkasa. Next thing we know, they will also demand for a 'Malay' MRT system, pasar malam (night market), shopping centre, sports stadium and jogging tracks that are out of bounds to the other races. Sounds ridiculous, but so is their request for a Malay version of Pemandu.

Myop101: So basically there's one standard for Malays, another for the rest. Never mind that the rest compete globally where merit is all that differentiates whether you live or die trying. For the Malay Pemandu unit, what benchmark is it going to be set against?

MySecret: I support this. Just make sure that non-Malay talent, assets, taxes, etc, are not used in this 'skim cepat kaya' (get rich scheme). Perhaps Hindraf should also start demanding this as well. Then perhaps the East Malaysian non-Malay bumiputeras, too.

David Yee: So many versions of Pemandu? I guess this is just double standard to the rest of us Malaysians. In the first place, if our politicians had made resource-rich Malaysia a truly competitive country while coming down hard on corruption, none of this would have been necessary as all Malaysians are ready to compete regardless of the challenge the world has to throw at us.

As for members of Perkasa, are you some prehistoric low-lifes trying to revive the age when dinosaurs walked the earth? The world waits for no one. Don't think the world will give you a five percent advantage in everything you demand.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: I'm waiting for Perkasa to stage a rowdy demonstration in Mecca to demand that Allah reserve an exclusive place in heaven for Perkasa Malays.

MIC warns leaders: Shape up or ship out

KSN: My God, what an original idea from MIC! Why did MIC not think of this about 30 years ago when S Samy Vellu could have shown the way by shipping out? Those remaining now in MIC will make no difference whether they stay or ship out.

G Palanivel is now saying the MIC CWC (central working committee) and others in the party should go to the ground and meet the Indians to regain lost ground. As MIC president, you don't know the problems of Indians in the country? Unemployment, lack of education and skills, no opportunities to go into business, no support, nobody wants to employ them, including the civil service, etc.

There are many other disadvantages they encounter on a daily basis. If you do not know, it is the Umno-BN government which brought the Indians to this state of pathetic conditions - all under MIC's and S Samy Vellu's watch.

Do you Palanivel realise the hardships and handicaps they face? Only the government can help, nobody else. Tell the Indians, when you go the ground, what are your plans to lift them out of poverty and ignorance.

Anonymous: The fact is, the Indians in the estates who don't have access to the news grapevine via the alternative media are slowly gyrating back to MIC, so Pakatan Rakyat better worry.

Unlike the Chinese, give the Indian 10 acres for his temple, like what Najib did in Hulu Selangor and he will forget 50 years of marginalisation and being ripped off by MIC and BN and go back to supporting MIC and BN. Then he'll have to put up another 50 years of the same.

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Comments 1 to 14 of 14
Sarawakian Funny isn't it, when politics or even corruption cannot bring them down, sex does. Even old goats are on rampage it seems. Must be the water they drink or is it something stronger like whiskey they hid in their cabinets? It's a disgrace to Malaysians on the whole that the government is run by a pack of slime-balls. Time for change indeed.
18 minutes ago · Report
Donkey Kong So we have a horndog minister who rapes his maid. Does it surprise you that our neighbour down South thinks so lowly of our leaders?
31 minutes ago · Report
Anonymous Pity the Indonesian maid: she comes here to earn a living and sen some money home; and she is at the mercy of her employer! What could she do? Could she resist him?This is one of several cases; and most of them might have not been reported because of the job the desperately need. So, they bear and endure the pain of rape; and may be too embarrassed to reveal what has happened. How many such cases of sexual harassment have been unreported? As a host country, treat all workers, maids or construction workers, as human beings who wish to earn a living. Treat them well; and never take advantage of them! How do you like your daughter or wife, who may be desperate for a job, to be raped? It is time for the PM and the AG to act swiftly: " performance now ! " Act now!Don't just talk, talk, talk!The image of the nation is at stake! It is an international disgrace! By keeping quiet, you prolong the disgrace! Have we no shame ? We dare not hold our heads high!
an hour ago · Report
Nicholas Lim The rapist's name has been mentioned in one of the article in MalaysiaToday. Go search for it. PM
an hour ago · Report
Anonymous Najib, as PM of all Malaysians as he claims, should be fair to all Malaysians. His " 1 Malaysia: Performance now, People first" is shot to bits when his Deputy declared that " I am Malay first". So, now there is speculation that one Senior Minister had raped his Indonesian maid! The PM should ask his AG :which is more serious, Sodomy or rape? Now, where is his "perfomance now" ? PM, perform first, talk later! Will the PM follow the footsteps of his predecessor and maintain " elegant silence " ? There was even another rumour that a Senior Minister pinched or "fondled" a lady in one hotel! That incident also met with "elegant silence " ; and the AG, obedient as he is, kept very quiet!Of course, there was also a case where a Senior Minister had a tryst with a lady in a hotel.Again there was "elegant silence" from the PM and the AG! Hence, the PM was "elegantly silenced " Ousted! Will Najib be also "elegantly silenced " by ousting him?
1 hours ago · Report
Si-liao To ask the UMNO PM to expose this lowdown UMNO minister culprit who raped the Indo maid, he himself must firstly come out 'CLEANED' ....REMEMBER ALTANTUYA?
2 hours ago · Report
DontPlayGod What? Just name him and remove him? So easy kah? He should face the full brunt of the law. Jailed and whipped.
2 hours ago · Report
Pemerhati If Najib just hints to the rapist minister that the Government is now being forced to take some sort of action against him, all that the minister has to do is utter the magic word, ‘Altantuya’. Najib will then quickly back off and both of them can live happily everafter.
2 hours ago · Report
Anonymous To all Malaysian, please do not forget that Malaysia Boleh in everything!!!!!! If normal people like us BOLEH, then our ministers "Sure Boleh".....
3 hours ago · Report
cala Part II. If “institutional analysis” is used as a framework, any social phenomenon which has an impact on society will be investigated holistically (Kiser and Ostorm, 1982; Edwards and Steins, 1999; Ostrom, 2007). As an example, in Chia Buang Ting's mistreatment, researchers would go beyond studying why and how the incident happened. Other issues such as: i) the make- up of the police; ii) the culture of the police; iii) regime's policies; iv) social condition with respect to human rights; iv) country’s human development index ranking; v) inter- racial harmony; and vi) institutional performance across board in Malaysia. In short, one cannot treat each of the afore- mentioned four cases as happenings at meso- level, we need to see beyond the events to provide a more accurate picture that account for the "rotting" of the society.
3 hours ago · Report
Rolls-Royce just find out which minister has a same maid for eight years lah. Somemore maid sexy or not, unless the minister no taste lah. Sorry just joking lah.
3 hours ago · Report
cala Titan. Is it a case of institutional collapse (government failure)? Is it just a "migraine" which will go away from UNMO- led BN coalition's list of headaches, or to put it more aptly a case of third stage cancer of the brain? If the latter explains the social phenomena, the prescription that you have may well be the wrong panacea for the regime. Take a look at how TBH was treated in the hands of an enforcement agency. Next we have Chia Buang Ting manhandled by police for driving without a valid road tax eleven days ago. Then we have Kugan whose death in police custody was only the tip of the iceberg of the way police treated their suspects uncalled for in a civil society. These three cases together with the allegation that a senior minister might have raped his maid did not happen as if each was an isolated case. To me, there may be a pattern pointing to "institutional collapse" requiring an enquiry at a higher and broader scale.
3 hours ago · Report
Rolls-Royce The writer who wrote this should at least state the source of his information. Don't tell me he is more informed than RPK?
4 hours ago · Report
Lim SK The opposition will make a captital issue out of this in the next GE, better the govt acts now so that it will not be an election issue which can tarnish the govt. One black sheep cannot taint the whole govt but if the black sheep is allowed to remain then the whole govt is tainted. Titik senila merosak susu sebelanga. Seekor kerbau membawa lumpur, sekumpulan kerbau terpalit lumpur. One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel. I don't feel there might be a need for any court action, what the public needs is to know who and the govt should let the person drift off quietly into political oblivion. The case might not even hold up in court but that't not the issue, the morality of it is the issue. The govt handled the chua soi lek matter rather immaculately and he only came back cos of mca members.I hope the govt cuts its losses on this one too as I hate to see opposition making all kind of inneundoes on all ministers in Tenang byelection or the next GE.
4 hours ago · Report