"Mr Tan Yong Soon is the current Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources. He is a SAF Overseas Scholar from the batch of 1974 and had previously served as the CEO of the URA Board; Deputy Secretary (Policy) in Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Defence; as well as Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister. An extremely impressive resume."
This Tan Yong Soon is a useless SAF scholar. He never performed his job well, and still have the mood for holidaying at oversea and took up chef lesson. So ironic.
Singaporeans are dying of food poisoning and he is taking up chef lesson, interesting!!!
NEA never do their job or never take their jobs seriously and now this mass food poisoning happens. The temporary hawker center were infested with rats and they never get pest busters to clean up the deadly pest and yet their Ministers of Environment and Water Resourses have plenty of time and money to go oversea and taking up chef lesson.
Which means that our PAP ministers are mostly very free up there doing nothing is it? I think their working hours are mostly consist of golfing, going overseas for holidaying and Public Relations and taking up chef lessons. They do nothing most of the time except during Parliment days, they must sat inside for a few hours just wayang wayang and listen to their Master Lee Hsien Loong putting some ideas across and just vote 'Yes' to anything what LHL suggest rite?
I think this Tan Yong Soon must be sacked, just like Wang Kan Seng. Both of them didnt do their job properly, one let Mas Selamat terriorist get away, and the other never get proper vendor Pest buster to clean up the rats infested hawker center.
I always hear that most of the SAF scholars having a highly paid comfortable jobs in the government bodies and their jobs mostly consist of signing papers that's all. They do not need to attend any meeting, sometimes they just only need to show face in some important meeting, and they sometimes really blurred at what is going on in the meeting. They need to just show face in the meeting, and the rest of the work is all done by their secertaries. And what this talented SAF scholars just need to do is to sign on the papers that's all. And if any cocked up happens, dont worry, it is their secretaries fault as the SAF scholars do not know anything, they just sign the papers. I even heard that this SAF scholars who worked in the government bodies, they have such filthly mouths and they curse and swear at their subordinates parents. They think they are still in the army, which they practise cursing and swearing at others.
This are the so called SAF scholars which are only good at reading and passing exams but lack of wisdom and understanding of life and governing. And yet our beloved Lee Kuan Yew loves all these SAF scholars and called them the talented elites of Singapore.
My foot!!! These SAF Scholars are to me are a bunch of useless pieces of SHIT!!!
This Tan Yong Soon is a useless SAF scholar. He never performed his job well, and still have the mood for holidaying at oversea and took up chef lesson. So ironic.
Singaporeans are dying of food poisoning and he is taking up chef lesson, interesting!!!
NEA never do their job or never take their jobs seriously and now this mass food poisoning happens. The temporary hawker center were infested with rats and they never get pest busters to clean up the deadly pest and yet their Ministers of Environment and Water Resourses have plenty of time and money to go oversea and taking up chef lesson.
Which means that our PAP ministers are mostly very free up there doing nothing is it? I think their working hours are mostly consist of golfing, going overseas for holidaying and Public Relations and taking up chef lessons. They do nothing most of the time except during Parliment days, they must sat inside for a few hours just wayang wayang and listen to their Master Lee Hsien Loong putting some ideas across and just vote 'Yes' to anything what LHL suggest rite?
I think this Tan Yong Soon must be sacked, just like Wang Kan Seng. Both of them didnt do their job properly, one let Mas Selamat terriorist get away, and the other never get proper vendor Pest buster to clean up the rats infested hawker center.
I always hear that most of the SAF scholars having a highly paid comfortable jobs in the government bodies and their jobs mostly consist of signing papers that's all. They do not need to attend any meeting, sometimes they just only need to show face in some important meeting, and they sometimes really blurred at what is going on in the meeting. They need to just show face in the meeting, and the rest of the work is all done by their secertaries. And what this talented SAF scholars just need to do is to sign on the papers that's all. And if any cocked up happens, dont worry, it is their secretaries fault as the SAF scholars do not know anything, they just sign the papers. I even heard that this SAF scholars who worked in the government bodies, they have such filthly mouths and they curse and swear at their subordinates parents. They think they are still in the army, which they practise cursing and swearing at others.
This are the so called SAF scholars which are only good at reading and passing exams but lack of wisdom and understanding of life and governing. And yet our beloved Lee Kuan Yew loves all these SAF scholars and called them the talented elites of Singapore.
My foot!!! These SAF Scholars are to me are a bunch of useless pieces of SHIT!!!