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Minah in Mudland accepts Cina culture. Respect.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



IAmA 20 y.o. Muslim girl. I eat pork, I am not a virgin and I'm pro-choice.

IAmA 5000304 y.o. Chink man. I always pray five times a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year or more if necessary. and I abhor pigs, I abhor kufr, I wish to slit the throat of kuffar worldwide and I'm "pro-choice" (WTF is that even supposed to mean?) pro-choice? :rolleyes:

pro-choice-of-what? choose what ? what a moron.

anyone can claim to be anything on the net.

stupid chinks.


i've long said ASEAN got no history heritage culture civilization brains intellect etc.
that's the way it is.

the real bottleneck for tiongkok or mongoloids is IQ. inventiveness.

they can't invent.

they will copy, steal, twist and turn but they can never invent.

as much as I love the wider Middle East (all the way from Morocco to Uzbekistan kyrgyzstan and afghan pakistan etc), fact is they are used to being dominated by others (europeans, mongols etc).

heck, as early as 2000 years ago, prohet Isa (PBUH) was born in Palestine that was under Roman rule.

and the Jews that stupid old fart harry lee (wrongly) hyped up (but he had no choice, since global balance of power was tilted towards the west, and in the west, the jews were the most powerful community, so he had to praise the Jews and being a perpetual "translator" a.k.a collaborator with the Japs for example, he ended up allying himself with jews), also were ruled by all and sundry incl romans babylonians egyptians and what not. in gayrope, they were killed willy nilly.

I can't agree more with keyshore mahboobani on one major point, that is why he remains a standout speaker, thinker, of today's era. and that point is, western domination of global affairs is a short lived, recent affair, beginning only 200 odd years ago, since industrial revolution.

now if you lost, were conqered, ruled, subjugated, dominated even for one nano second before that to teh West/gayropeans, or even to other outsider barbarian kafir cunts like mongol slanty chink virus carriers, you are genetically inferior subhuman breed and don't deserve to ascend to the throne. it's not in your genes.

sad to say that self proclaimed greats of the wider middle east or gayrope have lone been colonized conquered subjugated frequently by all and sundry, e.g. iran was conquered by greeks mongols brits soviets yanks but pathetically, loooooong before industrial revolution, they even lost in the 1500s or 16th century ce to tiny portugal. at home.

can you believe it?

what' worse? far flung malaysia lost to same portuguese at abt same time in malacca. in 1500s , 16th century CE.

much hyped ottomans also lost to portuguese in 1500s, 16th century CE.


to make matters worse, portugese and dutch alike were killed, slaughtered point blank no questions asked for their rampant piracy in bay of bangladesh and neighbouring waters like malacca strait or arabian sea.

surprisngly same dutch pirates went on to colonize indonesia.

and surprisingly the dastardly cowardly slanty subhuman barbarian bastard cunt mongols wuhan virus carriers, could only conquer pathetic and weak countries, should i call them loser countries instead?

loser countries like pakistan afghanistan iran turkey syria iraq tiongkok (china) russkie poland ukraine korea etc.

I agree with only one premise of his (keyshore mahboobani's) argument, that western domination of global afairs is a short lived and recent affair. the west NEVER dominated the world before Industrial Revolution, but this does not mean the world consists only of winners and only the West has historically been the loser. as we can see looking at individual histories of loads of places, a lot of those morons were used to losing and getting conquered and annihilated by all and sundry.

there was no india to begin with since this perverted colonial invention called "India" was created by Britain.
Angus Maddison is also pommie,so no great surprises there that he refers to some imaginary india in his imagnary calculations of world gdp. methodology of talliyng historical gdp when no such concept had existed until a few decades earlier (?? i guess?) is always going to be suspect, more over , CECA virus were ruled by their Muslim masters for 1000 years as we have all known for long. there is no denying these simple facts.

and bangla subah alone counted for some 50% of Mughal Sultanate's GDP (there was NO "India" at that time, just for confirmation). add in other Muslim subahs to the mix, and CECA virus contribution comes to a measly 3-8% of Mughal Sultanate's GDP despite being the vast majority of its population, with over 80% of its population being of ceca origin. That tells you sth about ceca potential and history.

what's even more shocking is that same bangla (Muslims) killed dutch and portuguese pirates at will, while indon weer colonized by same dutch, melayun ottoman turkish and iranian donkeys ALL managed to lose to same portuguese tiny weak country looooooong before industrial revolution way back in the 1500s, i.e. 16th century CE.


i've to hand it to our valiant afghan brothers

despite being a tiny landlocked country of maybe 30-40 million people, and having suffered immensely immeasurably for over 40 years now, fighting against the entire planet (whole world sided with yanks, no exceptions, period. when yanks said your'e either with us or with the "terrorists", whole world sided with yanks no one said they were neutral) funnily enough afghan brothers ended the war on a high note with the Taliban returning to power.

I don't see why neighbouring Muslims like pakistan uzbekistan qatar turkey libya yemen syria oman and others like north korea cuba venezuela russkies tiongs dun recognize afghan taliban government.

such a massive humongous feat deserves due recognition.

in comparison viet congs fought longer, and fought only against yanks and a handful of their selected poodles like (south gooks) that's it. while viet commies were fully backed by two "superpowers" in soviets and tiongs (who were not superpower as such but still had massive population nukes icbm fighter jets spies troops air defence forces adn what not.

i mean of the thousands of yankee aircraft downed in vietnam, how many were thanks to soviet and tiong assistance either through weapons or in other forms like through their troops disguising as vietcongs (as tiong troops entered vietnam disguised as viet congs and fought yanks).

pretty much the whole world recognized commie viet congs no issues with that, then how come even more valiant and glorious achievement of afghan taliban and valiant afghan nation who suffered immeasurably is not recognized.