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Migrant muslims Chant ‘Gas the Jews’ Outside the Sydney Opera House


Pro-Palestinian protesters were allowed to chant ‘gas the Jews’ and burn the Star of David in front of Sydney’s Opera House on Monday night – while a counter-demonstrator was arrested for attempting to fly the Israeli flag.

Police are now under fire for allowing the rally to go ahead – while telling Jewish Australians to ‘stay home’ for their own safety.

The rally, organised by the Palestine Action Group Sydney, saw vast numbers of pro-Palestine activists gather at Town Hall in Sydney’s CBD on Monday evening before marching to the Opera House where its sails were it up in blue and white in support of Israel.

In the end, the sails were only lit up for a short time and in muted colours.

Israeli supporters largely stayed away, with some watching the illumination from the other side of Circular Quay.

Cries of ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great in Arabic) and ‘death to the Jews’ rang out as some members of the crowd swarmed towards the police barrier, brandishing torn pieces of the Israeli flag – despite the rally organisers calling for protesters to respect the police.

Over 100 cops formed a ring of steel along the steps of the Opera House and didn’t intervene when flares or other projectiles were thrown at them.

Instead, they placed the lit flares in buckets of water as acrid smoke filled the air.

As protesters arrived at Town Hall earlier in the evening, a man clutching an Israeli flag was dragged away by three police officers for ‘disrupting the peace’ – before he even had a chance to unfurl it.

In an video of the incident taken by Daily Mail Australia, the man can be heard repeatedly saying ‘I’ve done nothing wrong’.

An officer told him: ‘You’ve been arrested in relation to a breach of the peace.’

In total, Daily Mail Australia witnessed three individuals attempt to fly an Israeli flag before being chased away by protesters or arrested by the police ‘for their own safety’.

Abigail Lane, 23, a social care student originally from Tasmania, had an Israeli flag with the word ‘peace’ taken from her by police.

‘A police officer came and snatched it out of my hands and said: “Why the hell are you going in there with that sign? What the hell do you think you’re doing?”,’ she said.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The arabs were neutral. They did not have a nation of their own until recently.

The mufti of jerusalem went to suck hitler's cock in Berlin.

And if the arabs didn't have their own nation until recently, then why are they acting like they are indigenous when they are not?