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Michelin Bib Gourmand A Noodle Story Review GPGT


Lieutenant General

Despite being tucked away quite literally in a tiny, inconspicuous corner of Amoy Street Food Centre, multiple Michelin Bib Gourmand winner A Noodle Story is very much unmissable thanks to snaking queues often seen thronging its stall front. Helmed by long time buddies Gwern Khoo and Ben Tham who spent another lifetime toiling away in the kitchens of high end restaurants (including Iggy’s, Waku Ghin, St Pierre and Jaan par Andre), A Noodle Story strives to win hearts and tummies with its 'Singapore-style' ramen, one bowl at a time.

Everything is choreographed with utmost precision and love, from the cooking process to presentation of the dish. Bear witness to a ridiculously attractive culinary creation : braised chashu slices and bulging dumpling pieces heaped upon delicately thin noodles tossed in a specially concocted sauce of sambal and dried shrimps, complete with onsen egg and an adorable looking crispy potato-wrapped prawn ushered onto a wooden ladle.

More at https://www.thefooddossier.com/2018/07/a-noodle-story.html