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Metallic monoliths sighted all over the world: explanation?


Alfrescian (Inf)
First sighting: 18 Nov in southern Utah, United States

Mysterious 'obelisk' in US desert draws wild theories
The shiny, triangular pillar protrudes approximately 3.6 metres from the red rocks of southern Utah.

The shiny, triangular pillar protrudes approximately 3.6 metres from the red rocks of southern Utah.PHOTO: AFP


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - A mysterious metal "obelisk" found buried in the remote western United States desert has inflamed the imaginations of UFO spotters, conspiracy theorists and Stanley Kubrick fans around the world.

The shiny, triangular pillar - which protrudes approximately 3.6 metres from the red rocks of southern Utah - was spotted last Wednesday (Nov 18) by baffled local officials counting bighorn sheep from the air.

Landing to investigate, Utah Department of Public Safety crew members found "a metal monolith installed in the ground" but "no obvious indication of who might have put the monolith there."

"It is illegal to install structures or art without authorisation on federally managed public lands, no matter what planet you're from," warned the agency in a tongue-in-cheek press release Monday.

News of the discovery quickly went viral online, with many noting the object's similarity with strange alien monoliths that trigger huge leaps in human progress in Kubrick's classic sci-fi, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Others remarked on its discovery during a turbulent year that has seen the world gripped by the Covid-19 pandemic, and optimistically speculated it could have a different function entirely.

"This is the 'reset' button for 2020. Can someone please press it quickly?" joked one Instagram user.

"Up close it reads: 'Covid vaccine inside'" wrote another.

With officials refusing to disclose the object's location out of fear that hordes of curious sightseers would flock to the remote wilderness, a race has also begun online to geo-locate the "obelisk" using surrounding rock formations.

Bret Hutchings, the pilot who happened to fly over the obelisk, speculated that the obelisk had been planted by "some new wave artist." Some observers pointed out the object's resemblance to the avant-garde work of John McCracken, a US artist who lived for a time in nearby New Mexico, and died in 2011.

On Tuesday a spokesman for his representative David Zwirner said it was not one of McCracken's works, but possibly by a fellow artist paying homage.

However later in the day Zwirner gave another statement in which he suggested the piece was indeed by McCracken, meaning it had lain undiscovered in the desert for nearly a decade.

"The gallery is divided on this," Zwirner said. "I believe this is definitely by John." He added: "Who would have known that 2020 had yet another surprise for us. Just when we thought we had seen it all. Let's go see it."

Either way, Hutchings admitted it was "about the strangest thing I've come across out there, in all my years of flying." "We were kind of joking around that if one of us suddenly disappears, then the rest of us make a run for it," he told local news channel KSLTV.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Disappeared by 28 Nov.

Monolith in US desert reportedly disappears - as mysteriously as it had appeared
The mysterious metal monolith discovered in Utah after public safety officers spotted the object while conducting a routine wildlife mission on Nov 18, 2020.

The mysterious metal monolith discovered in Utah after public safety officers spotted the object while conducting a routine wildlife mission on Nov 18, 2020.PHOTO: UTAH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - A mysterious metal monolith found in the remote desert of the western United States, sparking a national guessing game over how it got there, has apparently disappeared, officials said on Saturday (Nov 28).

The Bureau of Land Management in Utah said it had received credible reports that the object had been removed "by an unknown party" on Friday evening.

The bureau "did not remove the structure which is considered private property", it said in a statement.

"We do not investigate crimes involving private property which are handled by the local sheriff's office."

The shiny, triangular pillar which protruded some 3.7m from the red rocks of southern Utah was spotted on Nov 18 by baffled local officials counting bighorn sheep from the air.

After landing their helicopter to investigate, Utah Department of Public Safety crew members found "a metal monolith installed in the ground" but "no obvious indication of who might have put the monolith there".

News of the discovery quickly went viral, with many noting the object's similarity with strange alien monoliths that trigger huge leaps in human progress in Stanley Kubrick's classic sci-fi film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Although officials had refused to disclose the object's location out of fear that hordes of curious sightseers would flock to the remote wilderness, some explorers had been able to track it down.

Some observers pointed out the object's resemblance to the avant-garde work of John McCracken, a US artist who lived for a time in nearby New Mexico, and died in 2011.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Earthlings, it seems, not aliens, removed the Utah monolith
The metal monolith was spotted in a remote section of the Utah desert on Nov 18, 2020.

The metal monolith was spotted in a remote section of the Utah desert on Nov 18, 2020.


NEW YORK (NYTIMES) - It was, by most standards, a short stay. The pop-up metal monolith that became the focus of international attention after it was spotted in a remote section of the Utah desert on Nov 18 was dismantled just 10 days later.

Government officials continued to insist on Monday (Nov 30) that they had no information about either the installation or removal - and possible theft - of the piece, which had been placed on public land.

The office of the San Juan County Sheriff at first announced that it was declining to investigate the case in the absence of complaints about missing property. To underscore that point, it uploaded a "Most Wanted" poster on its website, or rather a jokey version of one in which the faces of suspects were replaced by nine big-eyed aliens.

But by the end of Monday, the sheriff's office had reversed its position and announced that it was planning a joint investigation with the Bureau of Land Management, a federal agency.

It was left to an adventure photographer, Mr Ross Bernards, to disclose evidence on Instagram.

Mr Bernards, 34, of Edwards, Colorado, was visiting the monolith last Friday night when, he said, four men arrived as if out of nowhere to dismantle the sculpture.

Mr Bernards had driven six hours for the chance to ogle the sculpture and to take dramatic photographs of it. Using upscale Lume Cube lights attached to a drone, he produced a series of glowy, moonlit pictures in which the monolith glistens against the red cliffs and the deep blue of the night sky.

Suddenly, at around 8.40pm, he said, the men arrived, their voices echoing in the canyon. Working in twos, with an unmistakable sense of purpose, they gave the monolith hard shoves, and it started to tilt towards the ground. Then they pushed it in the opposite direction, trying to uproot it.

"This is why you don't leave trash in the desert," one of them said, suggesting that he viewed the monolith as an eyesore, a pollutant to the landscape, according to Mr Bernards.

The sculpture popped out and landed on the ground with a bang. Then the men broke it apart and ferried it off in a wheelbarrow.

"As they walked off with the pieces, one of them said, 'Leave no trace'," Mr Bernards recalled in a telephone interview.

He did not photograph the men who took down the sculpture, saying he feared a confrontation with them and worried they might be armed. But a friend who accompanied him on the trip, Mr Michael James Newlands, 38, of Denver, took a few quick photographs with his mobile phone.

"It must have been 10 or 15 minutes at most for them to knock over the monolith and pull it out," he told The New York Times. "We didn't know who they were, and we were not going to do anything to stop them."

He added: "They just came in there to execute and they were like, 'This is our mission.'

The photos are blurry, but they fascinate, nonetheless. They are images of several men working beneath the cover of darkness, wearing gloves but not face masks, standing above the fallen monolith. Its exposed insides can be seen, and it turns out to be a hollow structure with an armature made from plywood.

The photographs are the only known images of the individuals who removed the sculpture; they may not have been the same people who installed it in the first place.
Lieutenant Nick Street, a spokesman for the Utah Department of Public Safety, said last week that the monolith had been embedded into the rock.

In the past few days, artists had been casually speculating that whoever put the sculpture up probably had taken it down once it was discovered, as if aspiring to be anonymous artist-activists, the Banksy of the desert.

But art-world speculation has not yielded too many facts. Initially, the monolith was linked to John McCracken, a California-born artist who died in 2011 and harboured a taste for science fiction.

Mr David Zwirner, the New York art dealer who represents the artist's estate and first identified the monolith as an authentic McCracken, stepped forward on Monday to tell The Times that he had studied photographs of it and no longer had any idea who had made it.


The pop-up metal monolith became the focus of international attention.

Ms Almine Rech, who represents the artist at her galleries in Paris and Brussels, also contacted a reporter to deny that the desert monolith was a McCracken.

And news stories spread of a copycat monolith sighting in the hills of Romania.

All of this leaves us not an iota closer to solving the mystery of the Utah sculpture.

On the plus side, the monolith that captivated the country over the past week, then disappeared as quickly as it entered public consciousness, continues to provide a pleasant sensation of uncertainty. Would it lose its aura and power if we knew who had created it?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Could be a promotion for a premiere of a movie on extra-terrestrials?

27 Nov - appeared in Neamt county, Romania
1 Dec - disappeared
Monolith monotony? Another mystery structure appears and vanishes in California
A metal monolith in Romania on Nov 27, 2020, and in Utah on Nov 25.

A metal monolith in Romania on Nov 27, 2020, and in Utah on Nov 25.PHOTOS: REUTERS

PUBLISHED DEC 4, 2020, 7:23 AM SGT

CALIFORNIA (REUTERS) - A 10-foot-tall metallic monolith appeared mysteriously atop a Central California mountain this week, then vanished just as suddenly early on Thursday (Dec 3) in what seemed to be a copycat of one that appeared and then vanished in a Utah desert.

"I can't say it's aliens, but it was here and now it's gone," said Terrie Banish, deputy city manager of Atascadero, California, a city of about 30,000 off US Highway 101 near the central coast city of San Luis Obispo.

"It appeared only (Wednesday) and in the middle of the night someone hauled it off," she said.

"It's under investigation by our police department, but it's not been reported stolen."

The 10-foot tall monolith in Utah, found by officials counting bighorn sheep in a remote desert last month, sparked worldwide awe and drew throngs of hikers making pilgrimages to see.

It hearkened to Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film, "2001: A Space Odyssey", based on a novel by Arthur C. Clarke, in which alien monoliths mysteriously appear.

Another shiny metal monolith found last week in Romania's mountainous Neamt county close to an ancient Dacian fortress vanished four days later on Tuesday.

Like the obelisk in Utah, word spread quickly about the Atascadero curiosity, drawing scores of people hiking up the two-mile trail to see, the Atascadero News reported.

But then video posted on social media showed a group of people replacing it with a wooden cross, Banish said.

"At the end of the day, it doesn't seem like extraterrestrials," she said.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The metal monolith in Romania.

Also appeared n England and the Netherlands.



Alfrescian (Inf)
10 Dec - appeared in Warsaw, Poland

Mystery metal monolith pops up again, this time in Poland
People looking at a metal monolith on the bank of the Vistula in Warsaw, on Dec 10, 2020.

People looking at a metal monolith on the bank of the Vistula in Warsaw, on Dec 10, 2020.PHOTO: AFP


WARSAW (AFP) - A mysterious metal monolith has popped up on a riverbank in the Polish capital Warsaw, the latest in a string of similar objects that have recently appeared in Europe and the United States.

Joggers noticed the triangular pillar planted during their morning run along the Vistula river, according to local media reports.

It stands some 3m tall, has a dull silver-coloured surface, is held together by screws and is planted in the sand of the riverbank near a major bridge.

"A mysterious and unusual installation has emerged on the beach on the right (river) bank," Warsaw's Vistula district authorities said on their Facebook page.

"If you spend your time actively on the Vistula river, it won't escape your attention," they added, without elaborating.

But it has left some Warsaw residents unimpressed.

"I was expecting some kind of metaphysical experience, but it's not really all that impressive," a woman visiting the site on Thursday (Dec 10) who declined to be named told Agence France-Presse.

No one claimed responsibility for the installation as of Thursday.

Similar-looking objects were found in the United States, Romania and Britain.

The first structure made news after it appeared briefly in the Utah desert late last month. Then two others cropped up in southern California and Romania days later.

Another appeared on a beach on the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England on Sunday before hikers came across yet another one in The Netherlands the same day.

The appearance of the Utah object in late November sparked wild rumours of alien visitations because of its resemblance to the black monolith in the Stanley Kubrick science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

An anonymous art collective has taken credit for the Utah installation, but, like in Poland, no one has yet claimed responsibility for those in Romania, the Isle of Wight and the Netherlands.


This is what it is for:

Me: How are we doing for Zeta's on the planet?
PS: They're still there. They don't have long, though. The GFL is working on ways to kill them off in their masses, but these ways just can't affect the human population. That's why it's best to stay home. Those monoliths are part of that. They'll vibrate to a certain frequency and it'll be a frequency that kills off ETs of a certain frequency. They're also pitched into the ground to be able to reach across the globe. They're creating a kind of geometric that will resonate to frequencies that will eliminate bad ETs. That's one of their functions. There are more.
Me: Okay, so probably reversing frequencies, raising earth's frequencies, spreading energy around evenly....
PS: Also, these have to do with fighting future viruses, combating negative frequencies, stuff like that. You'll find out.

on this thread: https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/info-on-virus-vaccines-dark-manipulation-and-monoliths.296479/


December 12, 2020
Much to share.


Blossom: Good morning. I am of course, going to start with the topic of the Monoliths. Since we last ‘spoke’ many more ‘valid’ ones have been revealed in the strangest of places around the Globe. There is naturally much speculation and intrigue. Many are pranks it seems … yet, some have no explanation. So, perhaps I should just let you flow with it.

GF: Good morning/evening/afternoon, depending on where one may be when they receive these words. Have these great Pillars not left you a little aghast, Blossom? Maybe for once, you are starting to believe us. We jest of course, yet, you know what we mean?
Blossom: Yes, I do. I am trying to ‘accept’
them as coming from off-world, so, going along that thought pattern and not letting any doubts interfere during this session … I feel we should just go for it.

GF: Knowing that we cannot reveal every purpose and intricacy, for that would ‘ruin the surprise’ and perhaps be too much of a give-away to those who should not interfere with the Plan.
Blossom: So, you say they are monitors? Monitoring what exactly?

GF: Monitoring frequencies, Energetic magnetics within a large area around each one. Monitoring the surroundings and keeping a balance energetically in those places where they are set … in order to make sure they are in alignment for their ‘duty’.
Blossom: Which is?

GF: That, Blossom, must be kept under wraps for obvious reasons. Yet, you can feel something afoot can you not?
Blossom: Only a feeling, yes. Accompanied by a vague image that is difficult to describe, of these structures being activated at a certain time, all together, reflecting Light from the Sun. Hold on a minute … I think it is you that should be saying this, as it is coming clearer as I write.

GF: You were indeed, doing our job very well.
What we can tell you is that what you say is correct. They shall be … activated/switched on … at a certain point in time and create … within themselves/yet, all together as one … an Energy as never before known.
Yes, the Sun is very much involved. We would say, that the Sun at a certain height and Power … at a certain given time … is ‘Their Key’.
We would say, that all needs to be in place by then as they work together. They are designed to be a team, would we say.
Blossom: When you said there shall be many, I was surprised to see others turn up so soon.

GF: They shall ‘arrive’ in stages. Settling their Energy in, a few at a time … in order to get established and ‘set in stone’ in position.
Blossom: Are they connected with the HUGE announcement?

GF: Not directly. That is still ongoing … and all we have said about it shall come to pass.
Blossom: Ok. You say they are activators. Activating what exactly?

GF: We would say ‘Everything’ as a general answer. Yet, there are many targeted missions that these structures are to reboot.
Blossom: Reboot? That is interesting. How so?

GF: Dearest Blossom, these monument (al) structures are to be set in certain lay lines and grid webs that can send their … ‘Electricity/Energy … flowing through the entire system.
You know of ‘Stone Henge and other connected stones placed long ago within the Earth’s boundaries … in order for ‘Star alignments’ to work with them.
In these times, these ‘StarBeams’ are essentially in place to ‘change the course’ from that which has been so deeply buried in darkness, to that which brings in such magnificent Light in order to assist the transformation from the old to the new.
Blossom: StarBeams? Do you mean the Monoliths? Or the stars that are coming into alignment?

GF: We mean the Monoliths. For they shall indeed, appear as such when activated. Their Energy of Light will not be of your strongest lighting system … yet, beyond anything you have known.
Blossom: So, are they acting as activators for much, as well as they themselves, are to BE activated?

GF: Yes. The Energy that shall be produced from them, when combined with certain star/planetary alignments shall activate within the entire solar system … as a sort of ‘all systems go’.
And yes, as you are thinking, Blossom, they shall activate the human Soul Light, also.
Blossom: The envelopes … the thought just came into my head … will that be the opening of the envelopes*?

GF: Indeed, it shall.
Blossom: WOW! Can I make it clear though, as a personal choice, I am not going to ask when this may happen.

GF: This we understand. There are many more to come over a short period of time.
Blossom: One was found in the middle of a shopping mall?

GF: The shopping mall was built long after positionings were set in place for this to take place.
Blossom: You say they are connectors. Connectors to what?

GF: Connectors to a number of things … that would roll off our tongue.
Connectors to Stars systems.
Connectors to Star families.
Connectors to that which is outside of your Planetary limitations, to open up to that which lies beyond.
The entire Energy of this occurrence connects the Soul Being with the Truth of who they are.
Yet, many will not be able to take the Energy and as we have said regarding other matters, choose to take their leave.
Blossom: That would be a shame … to leave just before the party really gets started.

GF: Not for those who could not ‘manage’ the Energy.
Blossom: You say they are Receptors. Receptors to/for what?

Blossom: Is this where the Pillars of Light take their cue?

GF: They are indeed ‘connected’ very much with this ‘encounter’.
Blossom: You say they are reflectors. Reflecting what?

GF: Reflecting Light and Power from Source!
Blossom: Oh, My Goodness! I just got goosebumps all over and my heart went thump! So, you have said before that the Sun is a portal to Source Energy … so would you say reflecting Light and Power from the Sun?

GF: Some would consider it the same thing. Where did the knowing of ‘Sun Gods’ derive from within the ancients?
Blossom: So, I just have to ask … heart in mouth, once again … are these StarBeams, and the Pillars of Light, all connected … to/with … THE GREAT EVENT that has been spoken about forever? It certainly feels like there has to be a connection here.

GF: Blossom … it is all connected.
You are moving into a Higher Vibration.
PLANS … ARE/HAVE … ALWAYS BEEN IN PLACE and as your time moves through … more of this likelihood is becoming apparent now.
Yes. Yet, although I am going along with all this as we connect today … there is still that nagging possibility of it all being surreal/unreal.
Blossom: YES SIR! Well, I have to say, this is all very exciting. Yet … I am not going to hold my breath for this to take place tomorrow or any time quite soon. So much else going on in the world at the moment.

Exciting times, indeed, Blossom Goodchild.
Blossom: Why do you sometimes use my surname and others not?

GF: We like to!
Blossom: Oh, Ok. Just need to pick up on something. You used the word ‘reboot’. Meaning what?

GF: Meaning the starting up of an old system put in place long ago … likened to, if we may, when a computer starts off clean and with good intention to serve and remain so. Yet, as time goes on … it gets cluttered up with all sorts of ‘stuff’ that takes over and clogs the system until it crashes and breaks down.
To reboot your Planet … to deprogram and replace with LIGHT INTENTION shall be the planned route.
This is all for today … We feel enough to be absorbed and pondered upon.
Blossom: Indeed. Indeed. Indeed. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM … Very excited … I think … perhaps … maybe!

Via Blossom Goodchild


There is supposedly a new monolith appeared in Northern Colorado,
United States. This one is fake made by humans. The family that owns the land, where this pillar is, they paid someone to make this monolith and install on their land. It doesn’t look like others, it’s much wider, and it has two openings on the top. At the bottom of this fake monolith there are
bolts, which were used to bolted it down to the concrete pad.
The real monoliths don’t have bolts at the bottom or are not attached to the concrete. The family did this to attract attention and people to the area, as they own two businesses, a
Cafe place and a
dairy farm. The woman even added some items on the menu in her Cafe to incorporated the monolith. This received
news coverage and
people came to see it, which brought more customers to their two businesses. Sadly, humans will do anything for
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

These American-Kies actually lies to get business. How to ascend if behaving like that???? so low vibration. i wanna know if they are vaccinated.