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men's doctor to recommend?


too scatchy... more detail may be can help lor.. for me, male or female doc, the same, as long as can solve problem.


does anyone got any men's doctor to recommend for guy's problems... thanks alot..
I've only heard of special doctors for women, never heard of special doctors for men.
You can always go to a male GP and ask him to recommend.

lion rider

New Member
thanks for all the help... actually i heard of men's doctor and my friend ask me to find out..... i kno wthere is one in Mt. E and one in Geylang who had just retired last year....

so wondering whether any these specialist doctor still around...


Just visit any GP, if your problem is beyond the cure of normal medicine like viagra etc., then you can look for specialists. GP around your working or living should be good enough to rectify your problem if you have impotent or impotent due to other diseases. If yours is too short and need operation to make it longer, or you want to implant steel balls in your kok then you need a careful selection of the doctor and consideration of the consequences if operation not successful.


Alfrescian (Inf)
...impotent or impotent due to other diseases. If yours is too short and need operation to make it longer, or you want to implant steel balls in your kok then you need a careful selection of the doctor and consideration of the consequences if operation not successful.
That's new, talk about implant for your (enhanced) family jewels:eek:. Maybe some1 got domain for bang balls.com, to fraternise?:p:biggrin:

But you right, any male GP can refer to specialists. Recall reading some eurolgist specialist in Changi Hospital renowned for ED and stuff