And when it came to an untimely end:
Friday, July 21, 2006
Bad News... and a Tribute to a Friend
Monday (17th July 2006), I received news in the afternoon that one of my very good friend,
KOP, has passed away suddenly, in Australia.
His housemates has found him on Monday morning.
No news yet of any causes for now, as it is too soon for any conclusions, I guess.
His funeral will be in Perth on 25th July 2006. This is according to his wishes of remaining in Australia.
His family has gotten flights over, but a few of us close friends are still trying all means to secure tickets.
I was at a loss, total loss for a while.
All that came to my mind were flash backs of our crazy uni days in NTU, road trips in Malaysia, road trips in Australia, and days of getting drunk at home. Not forgetting our intellectual discussions on life, finances, philosophies, work and the world in general.
I started calling all of our mutual friends, those that I have numbers of. It was hard to repeat it over and over again. Each time I do that, it brings me new experience, new flash backs.
Here is a friend, who seemingly have nothing going smoothly his way while he was in Singapore. Experiencing retrenchments one after another (through no fault of his. Just too many mergers and acquisitions and down-sizing).
Here is a friend, who has the intelligence to see through almost every plot and every system there is, and able to find loopholes. However, his intelligence was not tuned towards academic results.
Here is a friend, who has similar thoughts and analysis of many things as I, but he has always managed to put thoughts into actions faster than I do. (And perhaps, like he always said, we have just found evidence in each other to reinforce our beliefs.)
Here is a friend, who has been a great inspiration to me, but I guess he never knew it, because I never actually told him so.
Here is a friend, who has overcome many many obstacles in his life, that I secretly envy his courage and strength, never sure whether I would be able to take the same kind of blows as he did.
Here is a friend, who finally got out of the crippling system and has tried his best to establish a new life for himself and D.
Here is a friend, who had to
live 1 year alone without D, and seems to have put everything in place for D's arrival early next year.
Here is a friend, who finally seemed to be so much happier,
so much more free time,
so much more to look forward to,
and so much more going his way.
Here is a friend, who introduced me to Babylon 5, Futurama, and having fun with flames in liquor bottles that we have just emptied, and other interesting things in life.
Now, just when I was about to tease him to fulfil one of our ancient never-got-around-it task - to pay money for someone to tell us that we are stupid (take the Mensa IQ test), I will never know what his score will be.
Now, just when his encouragement and taunts has removed my procrastination, I will no longer be able to fulfil my dream of living in Australia, together.
I have suddenly lost one of the rare few guiding lights that I have in my life.
Life doesn't seem to be very fair to him. He led a hard life, taking everything that life has thrown him. Worked his way to get what he wanted, and just when things are finally turning out for the better, he is no longer able to enjoy the fruits of his labour.
I really hope KOP managed to
get a taste of absinthe as he so desired, one year ago. (See blog comments section)
I also hope that he has managed to find
Kolo Mee in Perth (See blog comments section)
May his soul rest in peace.
Posted by George at <a class="timestamp-link" href="" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" title="2006-07-21T11:30:00+10:00">7/21/2006 11:30:00 AM</abbr>