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[Medical] - Many actual medical mystery cases that the local doctors couldn't solve, now solved by medical crowdsourcing on the internet


Super Moderator
Staff member
Doctors are not paid to solve anything. Or even cure anything.

The payment structure is not based on results.

Doctors are paid for seeing patients (regardless of what outcome or diagnosis made)

Surgeons are paid for performing surgeries regardless of result and outcome as well.

This is why the rich doctors are not the smartest ones who spend time thinking over cases and solving medical mysteries. They are the ones who see the most patients perform the most number of procedures.

And of course it is better to do many of the easy stuff.

Doctors are also paid more for procedures and surgery than to actually think and ponder and solve anything.

TV series like House MD is fictional. You cannot make a living seeing 2 or 3 patients a week and keep thinking over their case to try and solve what is going on. You will earn a few hundred a week for very mind boggling difficult work. Who the heck will do that? Crazy! Even hospital administrators will tell you off!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wash your stinky cheebai with this:


You're welcome, ladies.


Just to add a lot of conditions has been proven to be cured with frequent exercise combine with a minimal sugar and meat diet resulting in weight loss aka body reset...hell if everyone was healthy there would be mass retrenchment in the healthcare industry... that my friends will never happen...many sgreans are still taking the leave up and down 3 flights of steps...
Pacman and bruce lee nuff said


Alfrescian (Inf)
rare genetic diseases are sextremely difficult to diagnose and pinpoint. for sexample, alström, kennedy, and wolman diseases. the rarest is ribose-5-phosphate isomerase deficiency. how to diagnose and prescribe treatments when there are sextremely few cases? gp's won't be able to figure out and need to refer to specialists. even specialists in sg have a hard time figuring out the underlying and root causes if there is hardly any precedent on record in sg clinics and hospitals. will need to crowdsource with the international medical community. some medical lightbulbs are lit with some of the best doctors in the world cumming together for deep dives in very focused conferences. and these docs have the blessings and funding of their hospitals and labs to allow them to do "breakthrough" research on sample patients. currently, ucsf and stanford hospitals in sillycon valley are competing head to head to attract patients with some of the rarest genetic diseases and disorders.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Aiyoh, doctors only know what they are taught and what they are taught are contolled by big pharma and big pharma are only interested in money-making.. Where got time to find cure? Doctors can even tell you drink milk good for bones...


Aiyoh, doctors only know what they are taught and what they are taught are contolled by big pharma and big pharma are only interested in money-making.. Where got time to find cure? Doctors can even tell you drink milk good for bones...
Sex and weight lifting are good for bones as both release testosterone which will in turn help reduce the possibility of osteoporosis....as for stronger ligaments and joints definitely yoga and an understanding of trigger points...anyways nowadays can see women are more into sports than men any jog around the neighbourhood sure can see at least or 2 with nice figures...so start exercising now!


Doctors are not paid to solve anything. Or even cure anything.

The payment structure is not based on results.

Doctors are paid for seeing patients (regardless of what outcome or diagnosis made)

Surgeons are paid for performing surgeries regardless of result and outcome as well.

This is why the rich doctors are not the smartest ones who spend time thinking over cases and solving medical mysteries. They are the ones who see the most patients perform the most number of procedures.

And of course it is better to do many of the easy stuff.

Doctors are also paid more for procedures and surgery than to actually think and ponder and solve anything.

TV series like House MD is fictional. You cannot make a living seeing 2 or 3 patients a week and keep thinking over their case to try and solve what is going on. You will earn a few hundred a week for very mind boggling difficult work. Who the heck will do that? Crazy! Even hospital administrators will tell you off!
Yalor yalor. Dr Susan lim that famous medical researcher she try before then people say she overcharger and a cheat because patient die anyway! :mad:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yalor yalor. Dr Susan lim that famous medical researcher she try before then people say she overcharger and a cheat because patient die anyway! :mad:
Susan Lim case is 100% political.

MOH and the ministry of trade forced SMA to abolish the guidelines on fees saying it is non competitive. SMA argued it keeps a ceiling on fees. They shot SMA.

So when Susan Lim charge. Willing buyer.

The judge couldn't find her in violation of any law. They just said that there is an "ethical limit" to how much you can charge. Which is absolute NONSENSE!

Might as well say there is an "ethical limit" to how much any company can make or charge too.

Rubbish. So it is 100% political. Brunei royal family got angry for some reason. Probably Susan Lim must have overpromised and under delivered. But legally actually there was no case at all because there is NO LAW stating how much doctors can charge. And it is the Singapore government who wanted no guide or set limit on medical fees.