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Mediacorp actor Ian Fang, 32, selling S$14.90 hair wax 'specially created for Singapore's heat & humidity'




Alfrescian (Inf)
Looks like a faggot. David Gan's disciple? You can recognize them by their obsession about skincare and hairstyling matters.


I see youngsters now using hair wax. WTF is that?! You don't put wax in your hair!!

Brylcreem and Vitalis for me.

When I was in primary school, my mom bought this green hair gel in a big glass bottle to comb my hair with. That is the best hair gel i have ever used. Nice smell and the hold is superb. No matter how the wind blows, my hair was always in place. It's a pity they no longer sell it now.


Old Fart
When I was in primary school, my mom bought this green hair gel in a big glass bottle to comb my hair with. That is the best hair gel i have ever used. Nice smell and the hold is superb. No matter how the wind blows, my hair was always in place. It's a pity they no longer sell it now.
Is it Tancho?


When I was in primary school, my mom bought this green hair gel in a big glass bottle to comb my hair with. That is the best hair gel i have ever used. Nice smell and the hold is superb. No matter how the wind blows, my hair was always in place. It's a pity they no longer sell it now.
Try this. Gatsby Long Keep Super Hard Gel. $1.50 on Shoppee.
Though you will have a problem washing your hard hair end of the day.

