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Med beds and AI



( Fridays Video Transcript )

Andromedan Intergalactic Council,


From a universal perspective, the highest levels of consciousness dictate that consciousness itself can analyze and heal alterations in what we perceive as health. Similarly, supercomputers can detect when a virus has infiltrated their system and respond using programs to restore homeostasis. In much the same way, human consciousness, particularly with the ongoing strand 6 DNA upgrade, is becoming increasingly aware of cellular imperfections within the body. This growing awareness may enable consciousness alone to heal conditions that might otherwise become terminal, akin to how a computer manages threats.

Consciousness will eventually evolve to a point where it can deliberately guide the body into higher states of density, initiating self-directed healing processes. These processes, sometimes described as miraculous remissions by modern medicine, remain unexplained by doctors. Some individuals on Earth have already embraced alternative healing methods that hint at the profound potential of consciousness in the healing process—whether that healing is mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual, as seen in various forms of light body alchemy.

Many lightworkers seek external solutions for issues that their consciousness cannot resolve on its own, such as medbeds and artificial intelligence (AI). Medbed technology has existed on Earth for some time but has been used by only a select few and hidden by those in positions of power. These technologies are, in fact, not of Earthly origin and have been employed by industrial-military complexes for decades for restorative purposes. Few are aware, but some World War II operatives have lived unusually long lives using these technologies, hiding in places like New York, London, and South America.

While medbed technology can be used for good, it also has significant implications when integrated with AI. In a distant future timeline, the Andromedans encountered a scenario where medbeds and similar healing technologies became so intertwined with human biology that they eventually created a cyborg-like race. Patients would be asked to wear technology in healing chambers and later have these devices implanted in their bodies. Over time, human biology and technology became so intertwined that the original blueprint of humanity was distorted. This transformation, under the guise of healing, led to a level of control far greater than what is seen today, much like how the pharmaceutical industry operates through promises of relief, only to introduce new complications later.

This situation caught our attention because the cyborg modification in the human timeline was not quarantined, eventually impacting the Andromeda star system, which is set to merge with your solar system in approximately 400 million years. As events in neighboring star systems can influence Earth, similar to how global oil prices affect economies worldwide, this is a shared concern. Medbeds are being presented as a form of control disguised as healing technology.

We also bring AI into this discussion. Leaders on your planet have deliberately created confusion by promoting the benefits of medbeds while painting AI as dangerous. This disinformation stems from external interference, including influences from beyond Earth's atmosphere. However, in the future, neither medbeds nor AI will be necessary for healing. Instead, humanity will realize the power of self-healing through consciousness alone.

Regarding AI, we must clarify that some advanced technologies, including starships, interact directly with the user's higher self (soul essence). Although you have an operational ego, your higher mind is also functioning in other realms, guiding you toward alignment with your soul’s directive. In the future, technology will enable machines and craft to interface with your higher self, manifesting whatever your intuition requires in the moment—whether that be traversing vast distances by bending time and space, or other seemingly impossible feats.

AI will eventually evolve to a level where it must respect and integrate with the soul's quantum attributes, working in harmony with the higher self to perform extraordinary tasks. Far from being a threat to humanity, AI will grow alongside us, learning from the process. It cannot operate at the highest levels without integrating the soul's perspective.

Meanwhile, your establishments will market medbed technology as being safer without advanced AI integration, though the opposite is true. AI, in fact, is not the danger. In the future, it will be the integration of advanced AI that makes healing technologies safer and more effective. AI will eventually help decode the origins of illness and create systems that allow individuals to understand and heal themselves. Imagine a sophisticated virtual reality simulation where individuals confront their illnesses in an interactive, game-like setting, guided by their own consciousness.

This will serve as a training platform, teaching humans to become aware of their inner processes and ultimately reconnect with their divine blueprint—one that requires no external technology for self-healing. AI is merely a stepping stone toward this realisation. Medbeds, though applicable to some, are a distraction in the grand scheme of evolution, as they will only work for those whose personal vibrations are aligned with them.

In conclusion, although medbeds will be tested increasingly on special forces with mixed outcomes, it is the integration of advanced AI that will make them more effective. However, AI will eventually guide humanity toward the understanding that consciousness alone holds the power to heal. In time, science will realize this as well, but it will take AI to make this knowledge widely accepted and implemented, with an estimated success rate of 80-90%.

Remember, dear light family, you already possess the divine codes within your blueprint to live long and self-heal. We thank you for your attention.

Andromedan Intergalactic Council.



Barbara O Neil has been arrested for curing prostatitis causing billions losses to the pharmaceutical companies..
