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MBS gets dissed by foreign tourist

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
post removed. So what did she say?
Her complaint was
1- Lobby and open public area in the Hotel is always very crowded and noisy. Unlike many luxury expensive hotels elsewhere where it is quiet and private.
2- Room decor is old and dated for a luxury hotel room. View is nice though.
3- The pool is always crowded and cold. Nothing luxury about it.


Also entering and leaving the casino is worst than going through immigration of a 3rd world cuntry….


Her complaint was
1- Lobby and open public area in the Hotel is always very crowded and noisy. Unlike many luxury expensive hotels elsewhere where it is quiet and private.
2- Room decor is old and dated for a luxury hotel room. View is nice though.
3- The pool is always crowded and cold. Nothing luxury about it.
Big pasar