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Vape shop employee fired after INSANE anti-Trump tantrum (VIDEO)
Published time: 31 Dec, 2018 03:54
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After a video of his unhinged verbal and physical attack on a customer wearing a Trump t-shirt went viral, a clerk at an Atlanta vape store has reportedly been fired. Score one for Twitter vigilante justice?
Seemingly triggered by Ian Furgeson’s pro-Donald Trump t-shirt (though we don’t know what happened before he started recording), a clerk at Xhale City Vape escalates from threatening to call the cops to screaming and hitting Furgeson in the space of a minute. Furgeson keeps his cool, while a second customer looks on in disbelief, probably wishing he had walked into any other vape store in the city.

The clerk and Furgeson trade threats – “Let me call my boss” vs. “I’m calling corporate” – and the clerk begins screaming profanities, accusing Furgeson of being “racist” while using a racial slur himself and reporting the offending t-shirt to his boss (“I’m not serving anyone that has to do with…that f**ker!”). His screams gradually rise to high-pitched shrieks as he experiences a total meltdown.
Also on rt.com Transgender woman challenges store assistant to fight after being called ‘sir’ (VIDEO)
Furgeson doesn’t exactly try to defuse the situation, needling the employee by demanding “Do my bidding!” just when it appears the employee might be willing to let him buy the vape cartridge he wants in exchange for his keeping silent about the altercation, but watching the employee screech himself hoarse is truly surreal. What happened to "the customer is always right?"

Xhale City’s Yelp page was soon deluged with negative reviews calling for the hot-tempered employee to be fired, and the company reacted swiftly. According to a Facebook post, they fired him “immediately” and apologized to Furgeson. The company's Facebook pages have since gone dark, and only a few suspicious parody accounts remain, but Furgeson has made his peace with Xhale City, if his latest video is anything to go by.
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Dotard DIVIDED USA, make everything fucked up towards the GRAND FINAL ENDING! 100% sure!

Tomorrow you will see Anti-Dotard business all offering highest paid jobs to this guy!




Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal hits Trump as immoral, dishonest
By Paul LeBlanc, CNN

Updated 0114 GMT (0914 HKT) December 31, 2018

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(CNN)Retired four-star Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal on Sunday criticized President Donald Trump for his approach to the presidency in a wide-ranging interview that saw the former top commander of the US and international forces in Afghanistan label Trump as dishonest and immoral.
"I don't think he tells the truth," McChrystal told ABC's Martha Raddatz on "This Week." When asked if he thought Trump was immoral, McChrystal responded: "I think he is."
"What I would ask every American to do is again, stand in front of that mirror and say, what are we about?," he continued. "Am I really willing to throw away or ignore some of the things that people do that are pretty unacceptable normally just because they accomplish certain other things that we might like. If we want to be governed by someone we wouldn't do a business deal with because they're their background is so shady, if we're willing to do that then that's in conflict with who I think we are."
"And so I think it's necessary in those times to take a stand," he said.
McChrystal also reacted to James Mattis' resignation from the Trump administration as Secretary of Defense earlier this month. Mattis wrote in his resignation letter that Trump had the right to a Defense Secretary whose views "better aligned" with the President's.
"If we have someone who is as selfless and as committed as Jim Mattis, resigns his position walking away from all the responsibility he feels for every service member in our forces and he does so in a public way like that, we ought to stop and say okay, why did he do it?" McChrystal said. "We ought to ask what kind of commander in chief he had that Jim Mattis that the good marine felt he had to walk away."
After Mattis' resignation, Trump tweeted that the two had an "interesting relationship" and that he gave Mattis "all the resources he never really had."
McChrystal resigned from his post under President Barack Obama in 2010 after he mocked key administration officials in a Rolling Stone article.
"I believe that it is the right decision for our national security," Obama said of McChrystal's exit. "The conduct represented in the recently published article does not meet the standard that should be set by a commanding general."
In November, McChrystal wrote in a column for CNN saying that "America is facing a leadership crisis."
"We've become increasingly obsessed with what national leader we're for or against," he said. "President Trump is just the most bombastic example of this phenomenon, which has been playing out for decades."


McChrystal: I think Trump is immoral, dishonest

Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal hits Trump as immoral, dishonest

Retired four-star Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal on Sunday criticized President Donald Trump for his approach to the presidency in a wide-ranging interview that saw the former top commander of the US and international forces in Afghanistan label Trump as dishonest and immoral.


Retired four-star Gen. Stanley McChrystal says Trump is dishonest, immoral
McCrystal said he wouldn't work for Trump because "I think it's important for me to work for people who I think are basically honest."

Stanley McChrystal speaks during the annual Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California, on May 2, 2016.Patrick T. Fallon / Bloomberg via Getty Images file

Dec. 31, 2018 / 1:56 AM GMT+8
By Allan Smith
Retired four-star Gen. Stanley McChrystal did not mince words about President Donald Trump in a wide-ranging interview with ABC's "This Week," saying the president is dishonest and immoral and adding that he could not work for Trump.
“I don’t think he tells the truth,” McChrystal told ABC's Martha Raddatz who questioned the general on whether he feels Trump is a liar.

When asked if Trump is immoral, McChrystal said: "I think he is."
A veteran of the U.S. Army for more than three decades, McChrystal led all international forces in Afghanistan from June 2009 through June 2010 before former President Barack Obama relieved him of duties following a Rolling Stone interview in which McChrystal made comments critical of his administration.
"What I would ask every American to do is ... stand in front of that mirror and say, 'What are we about? Am I really willing to throw away or ignore some of the things that people do that are — are pretty unacceptable normally just because they accomplish certain other things that we might like?'" McChrystal said about Trump supporters.
He added: "If we want to be governed by someone we wouldn't do a business deal with because their — their background is so shady, if we're willing to do that, then that's in conflict with who I think we are. And so I think it's necessary at those times to take a stand."
Having recently published "Leaders: Myth and Reality," McChrystal took issue with Trump's leadership style. He mentioned a necessary quality for leadership in his mind — a leader being willing to sacrifice himself for others.
"I have to believe that the people I'm working for would do that, whether we disagree on a lot of other things," McChrystal said. "I'm not convinced from the behavior that I've seen that that's the case here.”


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McChrystal said, if asked, he would reject the opportunity to work in the Trump administration.
"I think it's important for me to work for people who I think are basically honest, who tell the truth as best they know it," he said.
"I'm very tolerant of people who make mistakes because I make so many of them — and I've been around leaders who've made mistakes ... but through all of them, I almost never saw people trying to get it wrong. And I almost never saw people who were openly disingenuous on things."
He disagreed with Trump's announcement to withdraw troops from Syria, his plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, and his politically tinged visit to troops in Iraq last week.
“I never knew who was a Democrat or Republican and even when we were generals, when you got in a room, you never talked about politics because it was just considered bad form," he said. "I think if we allow it or encourage it, I think we are going to create something that could be a slippery slope.”
He also took issue with Trump's declaration that ISIS had been defeated.
“I don't believe ISIS is defeated,” McChrystal said. “I think ISIS is as much an idea as it is a number of ISIS fighters. There's a lot of intelligence that says there are actually more ISIS fighters around the world now than there were a couple of years ago.”



2018-12-31 18:12 阿富汗 /美国 /特朗普











麦克里斯特尔最近发表了新书《领导者:神话与现实》,对特朗普的领导风格提出质疑。他提到了一种必要的领导素质 —— 领导者必须愿意为别人而牺牲自己。

麦克里斯特尔说:“我自己会坚信,我正在为之工作的人会这样做,不管我们是否对其他很多事情持不同意见。” “我不相信我已经看到的(特朗普总统相关的)情况中,他是这样(愿意牺牲自己)的人。”返回搜狐,查看更多
