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[Matland] - 2 Singaporean ah bengs + 1 chio ah lian stabbed Malaysian guy outside KTV in Matland, kena LOKAP by POLIS


Singapore & Malaysia are both RULE OF LAW nations.

May truth & JUSTICE prevail, rather than foolish vengeance which will only be taken up by the INSANE to push their schizophrenic agendas, destroying the social fabric of civilization & societies.

Regardless if ANYONE is involved in this case, there CAN BE NO JUSTIFICATION for the KILLING of another. Humans have mouth, to talk, discuss & debate for solutions, & if at the worse should none be found, a Nation's Rule of Law can & WILL arbitrate for a just solution thru wise & learned judges.

My sincere plea to the accused is that they admit to their folly, taking of drugs & their bullying & extortionists ways upon another fellow Human who, regardless of race, language & religion, come clean, face the consequences for their crime, be REHABILITATED & contribute to Humanity's progress & evolution....


syed putra

Singapore & Malaysia are both RULE OF LAW nations.

May truth & JUSTICE prevail, rather than foolish vengeance which will only be taken up by the INSANE to push their schizophrenic agendas, destroying the social fabric of civilization & societies.

Regardless if ANYONE is involved in this case, there CAN BE NO JUSTIFICATION for the KILLING of another. Humans have mouth, to talk, discuss & debate for solutions, & if at the worse should none be found, a Nation's Rule of Law can & WILL arbitrate for a just solution thru wise & learned judges.
My sincere plea to the accused is that they admit to their folly & their bullying & extortionists ways upon another fellow Human who, regardless of race, language & religion, come clean, face the consequences for their crime, be REHABILITATED & contribute to Humanity's progress & evolution....
Getting detainees to walk barefoot in orange clothing dishonours the court.