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Massive outcry from netizens over PM Lee’s
promise to bring in 100,000 more foreign workers
<--- http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/0...mise-to-bring-in-100000-more-foreign-workers/
A massive outcry has erupted in Singapore’s blogosphere with many netizens lampooning PAP Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong for his “promise” to bring in 100,000 more foreign workers into Singapore.
Speaking in the United States a few days ago, PM Lee claimed that the rise in the number of foreign workers was “inevitable” due to the strong growth of the Singapore economy without substianting his statements.
“It cannot be helped because with the market so tight, if we don’t allow the foreign workers in, you are going to have overheating,” PM Lee was quoted as saying in the Straits Times.
PM Lee claimed that the PAP is “managing” the number of foreign workers by “calibrating” their levies to “moderate” the inflow.
“‘But even with that, I would imagine there would be more than 100,000 extra foreign workers this year. I cannot see it otherwise. We have to accept that,” he added.
Foreign workers help to reduce labor costs, thereby inflating GDP growth figures artificially in the process. A certain percentage of the PAP ministers’ multi-million pay is pegged to GDP growth – the higher the growth rates, the more money they bring home.
The outpouring of disgruntlement, disbelief and anger in cyberspace is an indication of the deep-seated unhappiness at the PAP’s pro-foreigner and ultra-liberal immigration policies.
Nearly a thousand comments are posted on Yahoo News so far with the majority of them against PM Lee’s initiative to bring in more foreign workers:
“Singaporeans are jobless and receiving a very low pay and yet more foreigners coming!!!!!! Stop this shit PAP!!! PAP really sucks!!!”
“I’m really disappointed. Why govt keep importing foreigners? And yet, the govt department does not recognise degrees from foreign universities (except those top tier-ed uni). Locals from such university cant find jobs in the government department. Why?”
Sekaran Renjiah:
“The PM is intending to allow another exodus of 100,000 foerign workers into S’pore’s workforce as he says “the move was unavoidable as the labour market here is bursting at its seams”. But I don’t understand where tis ppl gets their facts fr. Is nos. & percentages gd enough to make such drastic decisions ?? The reality is, there are tons of us out there looking for jobs like mad dogs but to no avail. Every weekend I receive job opportunities in the civil service thru [email protected]. But whenever I apply they send me an email stating regret in not being able to employ me. But yet again the post ad is repeated every week. Why is tat so? Does tis reflects tat there are no takers & thus foreign talents need to be employed?? Or is it tat by bringing foreign talents the gov can profit more in terms of levy or low wages??? Pls look after ur citizens 1st !! We voted for u to represent us not to imprison us !!!!”
“I am 40 plus I am not able to get a job. I have send many job applications and even went to Alexandra Hospital personal for a job interview as a Therapist Assistance still I am not given the job. Yet they say they need more staff for the hospital industry. More foreigns are given the Job in the hopital even doing pharmacy assist packing of medicine behind counter they want chinese speaking staff. Even I look for a job as a parttime packer I went to the recruit express in Jurong for an interview still no call from the agency. But went you look in the paper there is lot of vacancy why are they not employing the Indian and Malay.I have always voted for the government but this election I have to think twice. They say singaporean are fussy and always complaining.As if we have nothing better to do. These foreigner come to singapore to make money and retire back in their homeland. Yes they may have their PR
but the time to retire they have a business in their homeland because their currency value low. In singapore dollar 400 in philippines is a bank manager salary 19000 peos. Two month ago I went for an interview as an operator the pay was $1000.
Three singaporean and one philippino PR went for the interview the Production manager and supervior was a filipo and they employ the the philippino PR and the three singaporean was not given the job. Why was the job not given to the singaporean because we are not capable to do the job, not truth they only like to employ their own people the filipo. Not only they come here to work they break family. They strip the men until he has nothing but only his brief then he has no where to go only to the street or old folk home. Nowday, I see people sleeping in void deck.”
“Allowing foreigners in is to displace those Singaporeans who don’t support them.Simple formula for staying in power so that in the name of politics they can enrich themselves further.PAP members are shameless.
The President of the most powerful nation, in terms of politics, military and economic is only paid fraction of our ‘Minister of State’. Are we saying our junior ministers are much more capable than any world leaders? Simply shameful and disgusting. If these ministers are allowed to run a company outside Singapore, I bet all of them will fail miserably. That is the reason we need more foreigners to work for Singapore and these elites could reap the benefit. Poor Singaporeans, strangers in their own land. Long live Gong Li.”
promise to bring in 100,000 more foreign workers
<--- http://www.temasekreview.com/2010/0...mise-to-bring-in-100000-more-foreign-workers/
A massive outcry has erupted in Singapore’s blogosphere with many netizens lampooning PAP Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong for his “promise” to bring in 100,000 more foreign workers into Singapore.
Speaking in the United States a few days ago, PM Lee claimed that the rise in the number of foreign workers was “inevitable” due to the strong growth of the Singapore economy without substianting his statements.
“It cannot be helped because with the market so tight, if we don’t allow the foreign workers in, you are going to have overheating,” PM Lee was quoted as saying in the Straits Times.
PM Lee claimed that the PAP is “managing” the number of foreign workers by “calibrating” their levies to “moderate” the inflow.
“‘But even with that, I would imagine there would be more than 100,000 extra foreign workers this year. I cannot see it otherwise. We have to accept that,” he added.
Foreign workers help to reduce labor costs, thereby inflating GDP growth figures artificially in the process. A certain percentage of the PAP ministers’ multi-million pay is pegged to GDP growth – the higher the growth rates, the more money they bring home.
The outpouring of disgruntlement, disbelief and anger in cyberspace is an indication of the deep-seated unhappiness at the PAP’s pro-foreigner and ultra-liberal immigration policies.
Nearly a thousand comments are posted on Yahoo News so far with the majority of them against PM Lee’s initiative to bring in more foreign workers:
“Singaporeans are jobless and receiving a very low pay and yet more foreigners coming!!!!!! Stop this shit PAP!!! PAP really sucks!!!”
“I’m really disappointed. Why govt keep importing foreigners? And yet, the govt department does not recognise degrees from foreign universities (except those top tier-ed uni). Locals from such university cant find jobs in the government department. Why?”
Sekaran Renjiah:
“The PM is intending to allow another exodus of 100,000 foerign workers into S’pore’s workforce as he says “the move was unavoidable as the labour market here is bursting at its seams”. But I don’t understand where tis ppl gets their facts fr. Is nos. & percentages gd enough to make such drastic decisions ?? The reality is, there are tons of us out there looking for jobs like mad dogs but to no avail. Every weekend I receive job opportunities in the civil service thru [email protected]. But whenever I apply they send me an email stating regret in not being able to employ me. But yet again the post ad is repeated every week. Why is tat so? Does tis reflects tat there are no takers & thus foreign talents need to be employed?? Or is it tat by bringing foreign talents the gov can profit more in terms of levy or low wages??? Pls look after ur citizens 1st !! We voted for u to represent us not to imprison us !!!!”
“I am 40 plus I am not able to get a job. I have send many job applications and even went to Alexandra Hospital personal for a job interview as a Therapist Assistance still I am not given the job. Yet they say they need more staff for the hospital industry. More foreigns are given the Job in the hopital even doing pharmacy assist packing of medicine behind counter they want chinese speaking staff. Even I look for a job as a parttime packer I went to the recruit express in Jurong for an interview still no call from the agency. But went you look in the paper there is lot of vacancy why are they not employing the Indian and Malay.I have always voted for the government but this election I have to think twice. They say singaporean are fussy and always complaining.As if we have nothing better to do. These foreigner come to singapore to make money and retire back in their homeland. Yes they may have their PR
but the time to retire they have a business in their homeland because their currency value low. In singapore dollar 400 in philippines is a bank manager salary 19000 peos. Two month ago I went for an interview as an operator the pay was $1000.
Three singaporean and one philippino PR went for the interview the Production manager and supervior was a filipo and they employ the the philippino PR and the three singaporean was not given the job. Why was the job not given to the singaporean because we are not capable to do the job, not truth they only like to employ their own people the filipo. Not only they come here to work they break family. They strip the men until he has nothing but only his brief then he has no where to go only to the street or old folk home. Nowday, I see people sleeping in void deck.”
“Allowing foreigners in is to displace those Singaporeans who don’t support them.Simple formula for staying in power so that in the name of politics they can enrich themselves further.PAP members are shameless.
The President of the most powerful nation, in terms of politics, military and economic is only paid fraction of our ‘Minister of State’. Are we saying our junior ministers are much more capable than any world leaders? Simply shameful and disgusting. If these ministers are allowed to run a company outside Singapore, I bet all of them will fail miserably. That is the reason we need more foreigners to work for Singapore and these elites could reap the benefit. Poor Singaporeans, strangers in their own land. Long live Gong Li.”