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Masks : Respect Each Other's Choices



Flying Horse


VAKSIN is encouraged, but OPTIONAL, Right ? Let's respect each other's choices, Right ? But the reality can be very harsh.

Someone working at StarHub received a message from superior. Either you take the booster or you get terminated by end of Sept. You called this respect each other's choice ? Let us be clear, there is a WAR going out there.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't respect the twits who still believe that wearing a mask will protect them. You can see plenty of them on the streets and in the malls now.

I will not say anything, just have a chuckle within me.

Even many of the angmoh expats and tourists are bemused.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The line 'masks are encouraged' promotes the false narrative that wearing a mask 'protects' you.

Should have said 'masks are optional' and that's it. No need to impose a value judgement.

Sneaky little passive-aggressive tactic from those who pushed the scamdemic, but that won't fool me. :cool:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Problem is that they don't work.



VAKSIN is encouraged, but OPTIONAL, Right ? Let's respect each other's choices, Right ? But the reality can be very harsh.

Someone working at StarHub received a message from superior. Either you take the booster or you get terminated by end of Sept. You called this respect each other's choice ? Let us be clear, there is a WAR going out there.
Then the employee can raise this issue at courts. Take this seriously.


VAKSIN is encouraged, but OPTIONAL, Right ? Let's respect each other's choices, Right ? But the reality can be very harsh.

Someone working at StarHub received a message from superior. Either you take the booster or you get terminated by end of Sept. You called this respect each other's choice ? Let us be clear, there is a WAR going out there.

Starfcuks CEO is :

Nikhil is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the StarHub Group. Nikhil brings 20 years of experience in the global ICT sector working with senior executive teams to drive growth and make synergistic investments in infrastructure and enterprise communications and technology.

** Do I need to explain further ? **



Then the employee can raise this issue at courts. Take this seriously.
Yes. There is no longer a mandatory requirement for people being employed to have been jabbed.

Sue the company in court and you can benefit from a few hundred thousand dollars. Remember to remind them it's no longer necessary and sue only after they sack you.