SCDF to start hiring foreigners for emergency medical services roles from March 2025
They will first look at recruiting new hires from ASEAN countries.

Khine Zin Htet
February 19, 2025, 11:21 AM
The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will start hiring foreigners from March 2025 onwards to complement the local Emergency Medical Services (EMS) workforce.
This follows the significant increase in demand for EMS and the shortage of local manpower for the roles of paramedics and emergency medical technicians, SCDF said in a media factsheet.
Increase in demand for EMS
In 2024, SCDF responded to 245,279 EMS calls, which is equivalent to about 672 calls daily.
This is about 57 per cent higher than a decade ago in 2014, SCDF said.
The number of EMS calls is expected to continue to increase in part due to Singapore's ageing population, it added.
This year so far, nearly half of all EMS calls originate from patients 65 years and above.
"Thus, SCDF will need to continue to build up its ambulance fleet resources to address the growing demand," it said.
Hiring foreigners for EMS workforce
Currently, the SCDF hires Singapore citizens and permanent residents for its EMS workforce.
However, there is a shortage of local manpower for the roles of paramedics and emergency medical technicians, SCDF said.
As such, they will commence hiring foreigners from March 2025 to complement the local EMS workforce.
"This approach is consistent with the strategies employed across the wider healthcare sector," it said.
SCDF will first look to expand the recruitment pool for the EMS from ASEAN countries and expand it beyond the region if necessary, Minister of State for Home Affairs Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim said at an event at HomeTeamNS Khatib on Feb. 19.
Nonetheless, Singaporeans will continue to form the large majority of SCDF's workforce.
Suitable foreign hires will undergo rigorous training, to be accredited to SCDF’s standards, it said.
"We will ensure that the foreign hires provide a level of service and professionalism that is in accordance with SCDF's EMS protocols."
Top photos from SCDF/Facebook
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18 Feb 25, 10:00AM - 14 Mar 25, 05:00PM
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